[Chapter 31] Time

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Video by: Gumi Yumi



(POV) Nightmare



I walk towards the kitchen, hearing Pharaoh shout, "Come on! It's peach flavor! You like peaches!"

I walk over to the two, and pick up Finley. I grab the spoon out of Pharaoh's hand and feed da bebe.

Pharaoh looks at me for a few seconds before asking, "How- did you do that?"


"She doesn't like the high-chair."

I see Heliotroped smirk, then say, "Since when did you have maternal instinct?"

I think for a bit, before shrugging. That's when Finley begins to laugh, I honestly don't know why she started laughing, but I smiled. Not mask wise, because my mask is in a forever smile, but smile under my mask.

I give Pharaoh his daughter back, then walk towards the kitchen, grabbing a dragon fruit [YES DRAGON FRUIT IS A REAL THING SEARCH IT UP] cutting it open, and biting a piece off.



I wonder where Casinoboo is. I haven't seen them this morning, or I might've, I don't remember.




What was I doing?





Oh yea I was talking to Foolish? Wait I don't remember-

"And then Jr. decides to-" He stops and looks behind me. I look behind, and see five people, one of them seem unconscious, wait they're- Spellza's unconscious?!

Pharaoh starts walking towards the five, but Tubbee says, "Pharaoh no-.."

Pharaoh hesitates, but stops. I look at the Bench Trio, who all have different expressions. Tntinnit looks (ofc) angry, Tubbee looks worried and.. hurt?- and Casinoboo doesn't have any facial expression, instead staring at me, me in particular. Why?

I speak up uncomfortably, "Casinoboo- is there anything wrong?"

Casinoboo sighs and retorts, "Well, does it look like something's wrong?"

I gulp at the retort and answer, "Yea."

"You weren't supposed to answer, that was rhetorical."

"Oh.. sorry."

"Why are you saying sorry?"


"I don't know."

I hear laughing, very.. familiar.. laughing.

I look up to see Duobur talking, though, somethings off.. "Are ya sure this is DrEaM?? THE Dream that was sent to prison for manipulating you three? I don't see it."




"So. Dreammmmmmmm!- how've ya been buddy?"


"Don't call me Dream. It's-"

"Ha! I liked your old name better." He specifies, no emotion in his voice whatsoever.

"Before we even begin speaking, I know you'd like to be revived." I state, not actually knowing whether or not this is true or not, but Glatt nods and says in response, "Bingo! Want a price for that mask boy?"

I growl, arching my wings back a bit, gaining a chuckle from the ram.

"So? Whatcha waiting for? Revive me already!"

I hesitate before responding, "It's more complicated than that.. I need the revival book."

"Well, where is it then? You seemed to know what I wanted, so why not bring it with you?"

"Well.. first off, why should I trust you of all people?"

Glattbur looks at me, examining- whatever he's examining, and answers, "Dre- I mean NiGhTmAre-" he shows an emotionless expression for a brief moment, "I don't care if you can't trust me or some shit, I need to get revived, and surprise! The only person with the book, is you!"

I cross my arms, and say, "Again, why should I trust you?"

"Because Nightmare, think of all the things we could do! We're both powerful people, there's no doubt about it. What's the point with being controlled by someone weaker than you, when you could be in power with someone smart, such as myself."

I can't lie. I thought about this. I hear muffled talking outside. My thoughts, only myself. I was in a state of power, I could do anything, if only I'd reviv-.. hm.

I start laughing, and say, "And what if I were to take upon this deal?"

Glattbur begins to ramble on and on about all the 'great' things 'we' would do.

I hear talking from outside.

"-only if I get to punch Schlatt first." That's Brute God.

The next voice, Sam, what he says startles me a bit. "I call punching Dream."


Would this really be a bad offer to take?

"Guys!" I hear Casinoboo shout. "Nobody's nuking or punching anybody yet. Believe me it feels SO WEIRD to say this, but I do trust Dream now."

And that's when I started paying attention to Glatt's blabbering.



Heh. I can't believe I manipulate for a good cause- does this count as a good cause?



I watch Glatt walk out the door and say, "Alrighty ladies! I've got some personal things to take care of, but I'll be back tomorrow!.. and Dream. You better not skip out on me, buddy!" He turns around, with an irritated look on his face pointing back at me.

Tommy starts to shout, "WHAT!? As if we'd let you go with-!"

I place my arm in front of him, and say, "Tommy, shut up. This is part of the arrangement."

"Whoo! It's been way too long since I walked around in the daytime!" Glattbur exclaims, "I should grab a better wardrobe before I drop in... good impressions and all that crap!" Glattbur walks out the door, shouting, "Whelp! See you fellas tomorrow! Don't bother walking me out I can do it myself!"



"What- what the hell did you do?" Tommy asks, in a very.. aggravated tone.

"I bought us some time to make a plan." I state. "We don't have time to waste."

Everything looks at me.

"Let's get started."

I didn't immediately turn on Casinoboo after we took Las Nevadas because I had no reason to. He's gained an air that I can respect, I can tell he's not a weak little kid anymore. Those strings I had tied on his arms and legs he pulled them from my grasp. He took control of his own life again and it showed me how much stronger he's become. He even gave me my own strings back, something I couldn't fathom doing on my own for a long time but he gave then back to me. He freed me.

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