[Chapter 23] Smiling Inside-Out

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(POV) Tubbo..?

(EDITORS NOTE: You won't get this part if you haven't read my other book, Smiling Inside-Out PrisonInnit AU / Insane Tommy AU, so if you don't want to be confused, I recommend you read the other book so that you'll be caught up!)

"Ready Ranboo?"

"I don't know Tubbo- are you sure going to another dimension just to get one person out of prison a little too far-"

"Don't you think being put in prison just because you killed someone who's manipulated the whole server for their own benefits a little too far?"

"Yea.. I guess your right.."

That was kinda harsh..-

"Er- sorry."

"It's fine, lets go."

Karl looks at both of us and says, "Awkward-"

I say, "shut up." as we go through the portal.


I feel nothing for a few seconds, it's nice to be honest..

I, wake up, to say the least, and see a person looking at us.

"Who's th-"


Another version of Ranboo. Great.

Now to start some conversation before things get weird.

"Hello, I assume your this universe's Ranboo."

"And I assume your another universe's Tubbo."

I see the other Ranboo take out a deck of cards, why would he need those?

"Let's get straight to the point, I'm guessing that your wondering why another version of your Tubbo and you are here."

"Yes, that would be what i'm wondering."

"Well, in my universe, my Tommy is stuck in prison, and I have an idea on how to break him out, but for this to work, we need certain people, which would be you, your Tubbo, and Tommy."

"Well what if my Tommy is also stuck in prison?"

"Well, if he was, then I would kill him." I point at Karl. The other Ranboo stares at Karl for a bit before looking at me again.

I see the other Tubbo and other Tommy walk behind Ranboo. I hear the other me say, "Uh Ranboo? Who are they?"

The other Ranboo replies, "Well from what i've gathered, they seem to be different versions of us."

(i'm gonna use o! from now on to make it shorter, o! = other)

I see o!Tommy gets excited for a second, then get confused, "Hey, where's me?"

I look at o!Tommy.

 "Our Tommy is in prison. I don't want to get into too much detail why."

"What did that bastard do to get in prison!?"

O!Tubbo and the Ranboo start laughing, then both say in sync, "Your calling yourself a bastard-"

I see o!Tubbo point at Ranboo and say something to o!Ranboo. After o!Ranboo says something, Tubbo flies over to my Ranboo.

I see o!Ranboo walk up to me while saying, "We'll help you, but only because I know what its like to lose a friend."

"Well technically, if you get our Tommy back, then I won't really lose a fri-"

"Shut up."

I gulp, "Okay."

I hear Karl in the background, "Guys can we hurry this up, i'm starting to get tired, and if I get too tired bad things happen."

O!Ranboo and I yell in sync, "Lets go everyone, we got a mission to accomplish."

Maybe we aren't so different after all. Well besides the fact that we're literally each other from different universes- you know what, let's just get on with the lore-

(Note: Your probably wondering, how did they meet another version of themselves? Well, you know how the lore is mostly scripted now? Well, Ranboo and Tubbo recorded lines, and sent it to the people who were gonna be in a Tubbo and Ranboo minecraft skin, and the people pretty much just played the recorded lines when they were supposed to, and BOOM now you have the illusion that they're talking to other versions of themselves :D)

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