Part 1: Escapism

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(Note: This is a crossover of my two books! If you want parts 3 and 4 (which will come out after part 2 in this book) of this crossover, go to Smiling Inside-Out PrisonInnit AU / Insane Tommy AU, so that you can see all parts of the story :D)

Art by: karljacobsart



(POV) Evil Bench Trio


Tommy's POV

"Hey- wake up!-"




I wake up to see.. a worn down version of myself.. wait what?..

"Okay, your awake, that's good."

"Hey- yes i'm awake now-"

"So who the hell are you."

"Well- I'm gonna assume your Tommy, well i'm a different version of you, from another universe-"

"Is that why you came from a portal?"

"Yes.. that would be the reason."

"Well can you help me get out of this stupid place?"

"I don't know man, what is this place exactly?"

"The prison."

Oh- I forgot-

"Ah, well you see, I could try to blow this place up, but there's only a few issues."

"Blow up?"

"Well, I can't blow up obsidian, that's obvious, and even if I could, considering how weak you look, I don't think you could survive even a blow from my TNT."

"Do you carry TNT with you?"

"Well- no- I- I can't get into much detail."

"Well okay, if your another version of me, does that mean that your in prison too?"

"No, i'm actually from a universe where i'm e- I have some interesting abilities to say the least."

"Well, did you kill Dream?"



"Oh.. I'm guessing not.. well that would explain why you aren't in for anything, unlike me."

"Are you in prison, because you killed- Dream..?"


He starts laughing all of a sudden, I- he looks at me, one of his eyes now green.

"And I don't regret it."


Is this what would've happened if I succeeded in killing Dream..? Wait.. is Gho-

"Is Ghostbur alive?"

His eyes go back to normal, "Huh..? Yea? Why'd you ask?"

"Nothing, nothing."

"Say, another question, why do you have a mask on?"

"Oh, now you notice, well you see- it's kinda hard to explain- I need it to breathe I guess-"

"Oh- okay."

"Is that all your questions?"

"I guess-"


I stand up, "Good, now, we're getting you out of here."

O!Tommy jumps up, "What!? Who's we?"

"Your friends, and my friends."

"Holy shit! What if Sam sees?"

"Don't worry. We've got that covered."

As I say that, the lava starts flowing down, and on the other side, Tubbo shouts, "Hi o!Tommy! Hi TntInnit!"

O!Tommy looks at me, "TntInnit?"

I reply, "A code name. Now come on."

I grab his hand and summon a piece of TNT.

"How di-"

I throw the TNT into a cauldron in the cell, and after a bit, it explodes and launches me and o!Tommy to the other side.

Tubbo looks at the o!Tommy and says, "Nice to meet you, I'm Tubee!"

O!Tommy looks at Tubbo with a bit confused and says, "Nice to meet you I guess- can we go get out of this shitty place already?"

"Ah right, follow me."

We all run for a bit, until a dead end, where Ranboo is waiting. He snaps his fingers, and suddenly we're all teleported outside the prison. Outside, o!Ranboo is holding a card, most likely one of Ranboo's cards, and o!Tubbo has his arms crossed. 

Tubbo, Ranboo, and I don't seem fazed by the plan at all, but o!Tommy was standing in place, while o!Tubbo was asking him questions. 


Ranboo's POV

God that was tiring.. first off I had to teleport Tubbo and I inside the prison, then had to trap o!Awesamdude in a c- uh- something.. then finally teleport, not one, but 3 people other than me outside- but it was all worth it- 

I hear Tommy walk up to me and say, "Aye, something's different about those guys."

I reply, laughing a bit, by saying, "TntInnit, of course they're different, what do you mean-"

"What I mean is that o!Tubbo has a weird look in his eyes, not metaphorically, but literally."

"Hm. I'll go and check it out then."

I walk behind o!Tubbo and say, "Can I get a thank you?"

He jumps from my sudden comment then turns around and looks at me. Strange.. Tommy was right, this Tubbo has a weird symbol as his pupils.. almost like..

"Oh- uh- thanks I guess."

"Wow, you know I could put your Tommy back in prison and call it a day."

"Please don't."

"I would!"



I see o!Tubbo start to get worried so I say, "Don't worry, i'm only joking around with you, I might be a villain, but i'm not heartless."




Tubbo's POV

"Yea! It's really cool, and I can make my food taste weird!"

"But if your food taste weird, does that mean it's.. SUS!?"



We both start laughing, god- among us is old and we're still making jokes about it-



Zzz- Zzt-

"Uh- Tubee? Are you hearing that?"

"Yep.. where's it coming from?"

"I- I don't know- we should warn the others.."


The others all looked at us, and o!Ranboo gulped.

Ranboo and o!Tubbo both started giving commands to the others, while o!Ranboo and I started walking towards the sound.

"What do you think it is?"

"Where's Karl..?"

"It sounded like lightning!"

"Where's Karl?"

"Did you know the first part of the caves and cliffs update came out?"


"Maybe it's a lightning r-"


What I saw both confused and terrified me. Karl had his hands covering his face, the logo on his shirt were now also little particles that surrounded him, and if that wasn't enough, portals were appearing and disappearing around, which was the cause of the noise.

"Karl are you okay!?"


"What?? Why!?"

The others finally caught up, o!Tubbo speaking up, "What's happening?!"

Everyone started speaking at once, it was hard to figure out who was saying what.

"Karl calm down!"

"What the hell!?"


"What does he mean?"


"Yay more trauma! No not really-"

Suddenly we we're all separated, all of us going into different portals. 








I wake up and see a figure that looked like Techno..

"Who the heck are you!? Where am I?"

"I'm Emperor Porkius VII (7), and you are in the Subbin Empire."

I have a feeling that this isn't where I belong.

(Hey, again i might not be able to update the book as much, but please stay tune for parts 2, 3, and 4 of this crossover, also, 1000 WORDS WHATTTTTT-)

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