[Chapter 17] Transportation

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(POV) Tubbo

The wings on my back are less heavy now than before- 

"Ranbooooo I have a question-"

"What is it?"

"Why have you acted all serious recently?"

"Who? Me? Serious- Pshh-"


"I'm acting serious because I'm preparing to visit Dream."


"I'm gonna talk to Sam today to discuss with him about letting Dream go."

"Are you insane? Don't you remember what he's done?"

"Yes, well some of it, but yes."

"Then why?"

"He can help us. I feel like he's.. different now."

"If we die because of Dream, I'll know who to blame-"

"Tubbo, don't worry about it, we'll be fine. I'll make sure he stays in check."

"Okay then. Now I have another question-"

"Another one?"

"Yes, another one. Now, can you explain why i'm able to fly in the air with my wings? Maybe it's because it feels lighter, say why do my wings feel lighter?"

"What?" Ranboo stops walking.

"What's wrong?"

"I didn't plan this, wait, turn around."


"Tubbo, stop, you're not even in a boat-"

"Oh, true."

"Now, i'm gonna do something with your wings, just.. tell me if something isn't right."

I feel Ranboo touching my wings, that's weird how I can feel my wings.. I start to feel a burning pain. I step away from Ranboo. 

"Tubbo are you okay?"

I flap my wings a bit, "Yea i'm okay, just hurts a bit."

"Interesting, so holding your wings for too long makes you take damage. Has anything else happened?"

"Well, you explained it pretty much, I can feel pain and shit from my wings."

"Yes. Also, when I checked I noticed that the bolts that were usually there to hold your wings in place have disappeared, along with the metal."

"So I permanently have wings on my back now?"

"I.. I guess so."


"Wow- I thought you'd be more surprised-"

"Do you have any way of transportation? So far, i'm the only one that's able to move around without walking."

"Er- i'm not sure- I 'dozed' off while making my suit-" (I put ' ' on dozed because he didn't doze off :) )

Wait. What did I see when I first saw my outfit? Oh yea! 

"Ranboo try teleporting!"


"I saw a vision! A while ago, but a vision! Try it!"

Ranboo gazes off to the distance, and looks at a grass block on the other side. A little while goes by, and suddenly Ranboo disappears into little particles and reappears on the other side.


"Wow, so I can teleport and pick up grass blocks, i'm overpowered now- Wilbur please keep this in the lore-"


I hear someone join the discord vc.

I hear Wilbur speak, "I hear overpowered child on this server."


"No no, don't worry i'm currently doing lore rn, so I can't run to your guys area."

I wonder what Wilbur's doing. "What are you doing?"

"Well i'm now two people in one body, and I'm currently dying."

"Oh cool, so anyways about me being an overpowered child-"

I start laughing, but this time, it's not a fake laugh, nor a sad laugh. It's a genuine laugh.. and for the first time...









I'm happy.

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