Tea Cup 3

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Authors Note 😂😅✌️

So before reading this chapter, I wanted to apologize that there's a high chance that I can't upload the reaction fic this Sunday 😞, so as a compensation I wrote the part 3 of tea cup. Also I may upload the white room secret this Sunday.

I really apologize, its just reaction fic is so draining to write and I'm really busy in school, that's all hope you guys understand.


*Sound of door closing*

Chairman Sakayanagi then took the chair on which Satou was sitting recently and placed it in the middle of me and my father.

“I’ll say this one last time, Kiyotaka, let's go.”

His gaze becomes sharper than ever, heavily implying that he doesn't want to waste any more precious time.

“You already know my answer.”

He then punched the table's surface, almost throwing off my cup of coffee.

“What does this stupid place offered you? Free money? Free dorms? Bullshit! All of those are meaningless once you'll take my place and then RULE Japan.”

He put emphasis on the word “rule” as it's one of his fallen dreams from his early years.

“Freedom professor, no rather father, Freedom. I was able to taste what it's like to be free from this place. What it's like to be free from obligation, free from their parents' delusional dreams, free from those people that treat a person like a test subject. Free to chase my own road than to follow someone else.” I paused.

“Yes, I'm aware that this place is nowhere near the White Room, when it comes to building geniuses and perfect people. But having flaws is what makes us human, also forget ruling Japan, if the leader can't even understand the common people's feelings, it will surely fall. You're aware that a country cannot survive alone by itself without the support of the fellow countrymen. Furthermore, I'm not a fan of ruling with an iron fist, I’m unlike you.”

Stating those that are the complete opposite of his mindset, irritates him the most. I also noticed Chairman Sakayanagi nodded, meaning he agreed with me.

Now, he will show his other card.

“Stopped spouting nonsense Kiyotaka, I know that deep inside of you, you didn't mean those words. Not wanting to rule with an iron fist, Tch, don't make me laugh. As if anybody in the White Room can forget how you play psychological warfare on your opponents, making their mind broken including their soul.”

Mentioning those in front of another person, puts me in the disadvantage. It's true that I’ve done those, but it's for my own survival. I don't have any other choice but to resort to it. The word “win”is attached to my mind at such a young age that I can't easily sway it off. I saw countless children broken then discarded in my very own eyes and I don't want to suffer the same fate as much as possible.

“People can change, including your obra maestra(masterpiece).”

I offered a helping hand to the weak to make them improve while he trampled them like a bunch of ants. Our thought processes are the same but the approach is different, that makes us separate from one another.

“Looks like I can't get into you, Kiyotaka.”

“We’re thinking the same thing.”

We then turned our gaze into the Chairman, asking for his side on the matter.

“Well let's say that, Ayanokouji-sensei wanted Kiyotaka-kun to drop out of the school, but the latter insisted on staying.”

We both then nod.

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