Jin's Point of View
My brother decided to stay at our parents place to let some of our relatives stay with our parents at the new place that I bought for them since the place was getting a bit crowded. I was reluctant at first but Seok Jung convinced me that we won't be bumping into her since her father didn't mention anything about Ye-Ji when Seok Jung invited them to his wedding.
"I can't wait to go to your brother's wedding. This will be the first time me meeting your parents", Eun Jung said while clutching my hand.
I gave her a weak smile and nodded, "They are excited to meet you too"
"Do you think they are going to like me?", she asked.
I nodded.
I have no idea.
After Ye-Ji, my parents had a hard time with whoever I was seeing. There was always something wrong about that person but I honestly believe they were comparing them to Ye-Ji. They loved Ye-Ji even before we got together back then.
"So this is your childhood home? I've never been here!", Eun Jung said.
"Yeah, I haven't been back ever since I moved my parents to Hannam"
"Does she still live here?", she asked, obviously about Ye-Ji.
Back then, our relationship was so public that it came to a point where people knew everything about us so when I got into any relationship after her, they already knew about my past.
"Last I heard she moved to London but let's not talk about her. Let's help Seok Jung with his wedding this week", I said.
Eun Jung agreed and went into the house while I helped Seok Jung unload his luggage bags. I was carrying the bags into the house when I saw her father at the front porch playing catch with a little girl. I was trying to figure out who it was but the girl's back was facing me so I couldn't really tell.
Maybe it's her niece.
I carefully made my way into the house without making a sound. I wanted to meet her father but Eun Jung called me in. I guess I'll just drop by later and say hi to her parents.
I met my girlfriend a year ago and we only got together few months ago but we decided to keep everything at the very down low until we've figured things out. With her, I can't say things are better but things are easy because she accepts me for the person that I am. We did not fight when I had to come back late or when I cancelled last minute plans, she was okay with everything but for some reasons, I couldn't open up to her like I did with Ye-Ji but I tried to.
For the next few days I was there, I did not see her parents at the driveway anymore but I knew there were people in the house. Since all of us were busy with my brother's wedding preparation, I did not make the time to meet Ye-Ji's parents. Maybe I'll say hi to them tomorrow at the wedding.
The wedding went really well; I gave a heartfelt speech to Seok Jung and his new wedded wife and I was also the emcee at the event. I managed to meet all of my childhood friends since it was a huge wedding and when I was busy meeting everyone, I bumped into Ye-Ji's parents.
"How are you, Mr and Mrs. Cho?", I asked as I was bowing to them.
Her mother pulled me into a hug and I could tell she was tearing up.
"Are you okay Mrs. Cho?", I was worried.
Her father pulled her from me and assured me things were okay. I was puzzled with the reaction but I guess because they hadn't seen me for years.
"Who was that?", Eun Jung suddenly appeared.
"That was Ye-Ji's parents", I answered.
Her smile dropped when she heard the answer but she quickly changed the subject and asked if she could meet my parents soon.
"Maybe later okay babe? They are busy entertaining the guests", I lied.
I wasn't ready for her to meet my parents but she has been asking me many times about it and I thought this wedding would be a great idea since I know my parents are going to be busy entertaining the guests. Thus, having very little time to have a chat with her. I know, asshole move but I already knew how my mother would react... I didn't want Eun Jung to feel offended.
Taehyung's Point of View
"Any of you saw Ye-Ji at the wedding today? I really thought I saw her parents", Jimin said.
We forgot to mention to him about Ye-Ji being back since Jimin just touched down from Italy. All of us agreed not to tell Jin about Ye-Ji since he's already seeing someone else and we also made a promise to Ye-Ji but Jungkook did tell me about the little girl that they met few weeks ago with Ye-Ji.
"So all of you know that she's back?", Jimin asked in.
Yoongi nodded, "He has been busy with the wedding. We didn't want to add his headache. Besides, Ye-Ji asked us to keep it to ourselves until she is ready to tell Jin"
All of us looked at Yoongi and Namjoon bluntly asked, "Tell Jin about what?"
Hoseok and Jungkook looked at Yoongi in disbelief.
"What are you guys hiding?", I asked them.

Ex-Wife | Kim Seokjin
FanfictionBeing Kim Seokjin's wife was never easy but she never thought being his ex-wife is going to be even harder. Especially when she is raising a kid that he never knew he had. genre - romance, comedy, divorce, relationship, anger Highest Rank 1. June ...