Part 25

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Ye-Ji's Point of View

The next day, I woke up to the sound my daughter and Jin giggling from afar. I had to force myself to get up since I had to send Ara to school today, not entirely sure what was happening outside of this tiny bubble of ours. I quickly went into a quick shower and changed into high waisted dark blue jeans and loose knitted sweater. I decided to check my phones and it literally had thousands of notification

Thousands of notifications on Instagram, hundreds of missed calls from unknown number and around 79 messages from people. 

'It feels like 2014 all over again', I said to myself and threw the phone on my bed.

I headed to the kitchen to find the source of morning giggles and then I saw Jin and Ara sitting on the kitchen counter, arranging fruits on her plate to make it look like smiley face.

"Oemma, look!", she proudly showed her plate.

I smiled and just realized what she just called me, "That's pretty baby and why are you calling me oemma out of the sudden?"

She never called me that because she spent 3 years of her life in London, she was already used to mummy and I was kinda used to it too.

"Oh, sorry, I taught her that. Ara, just call your oemma mummy okay?", he said while pulling a chair next to him.

"We can't be long though, I have to send Ara to school in 30 minutes. I need to get her ready and call a cab", I said to him.

"It's okay, you just get her ready. I'll pack up your breakfast and drive.", he said while taking a bite of a piece of blueberry that Ara offered.

I admit, I liked being pampered like this by Jin. It was all he did when he had time for me back then. So the whole drive to Ara's school, I sort of felt quite calm even though my phone was ringing profusely but having him by my side, I just didn't care. I wasn't anxious looking at the  abundance of notifications but I was partially worried for Ara but Jin reassured me many times that things were going to be okay since he already handled that part with the school.

On our way to Ara's school, we drove past BigHit's building and you won't believe the amount of people camping out with picket signs.

'We demand for BigHit to remove Jin'

'Jin needs to leave'

"Jin, are you seeing this?", I asked him.

He nodded, took a glance at Ara through the mirror and said, "Yeah and I only live by this rule when it comes to this.. 'Those who mind, don't matter. Those who don't mind, matter'"

He gave me a tiny smile and took another glance at the side mirror to see the chaos that was happening at the building. I knew Jin; no matter how unhappy he was, he would never, ever show it in front of people. I knew his heart broke when he saw people rallying up against him.

When we arrived at her school, I was quite surprised to see there were no one there. I thought there'd be paparazzi or weird fans sitting around but it was completely empty. I told Jin to let me send Ara alone and he agreed to stay in the car.

"Miss Lee, thank you for taking care of my precious Ara. I hope no one will cause any issues here", I said to Ara's teacher.

She smiled and held Ara's tiny hand, "On behalf of the school, I would also like to thank Mr Kim for doing special arrangement to make sure the safety of everyone in this school"

Special arrangement?

Ara was already late for her circle time so I just pretended like I knew what the special arrangement was. I kissed Ara goodbye and went back to Jin's car. 

"Can't believe she's three", he said as he scrolled through photos that he had taken with her.

"Hey Jin, what kind of special arrangement did you make for the school?", I asked him.

He took a long pause and turned to me, "You don't have to worry about it. The most important part is, people won't know who Ara is there. In there, she's Cho Ye-Ji's daughter"

"Kim Seokjin"

"Mhmm?", he said as his cheeks rose up like buns.

"She's also Kim Seokjin's daughter. I think it's okay to tell her now", I smiled.

He raised an eyebrow, thinking that I was kidding but after seeing how serious my face was.. I could see tears were welling up in his eyes. He quickly pulled me into a hug and thanked me many times.

"I won't disappoint both of you, I promise"

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