Part 32

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Jin's Point of View

'Jin, please leave.. this was a mistake'

The words stung my heart, as she'd meant it to and I cracked my head open trying to figure out what went wrong. If she hesitated, even for a second, I would've withdrawn. I did not remember when was the last time I felt that happy to be that intimate with someone and each time my head replayed the scenes, my heart started to flutter.

If we didn't have a kid together, I would've pressured her into telling me what really happened but we had agreed whatever happens, Ara would always come first and that was when I decided to let it go and just hope that one day she would come around. 

"Why didn't you just tell her what you really feel about her?", Taehyung asked.

"I don't want to push her further away. If she thinks it was a mistake, then she's right", I replied with weak smile carved on my lips.

"But, you love her and you guys have a child together"

"I do but I guess that's not enough for her but it's okay, Taehyung", I replied, "If this is the only way to have her and Ara around, I'll learn to be okay with it"

I received a text message from Ye-Ji but I was a bit too heartbroken to response but little did I know, she arrived at my place not too long after that. The moment I opened the door, she stood very still waiting for me to invite her in. 

Before she could say anything, I told her that I was in agreement with her that last night was a reckless mistake and I guess she was taken aback with me but she recovered from it swiftly. 

"I promise it won't happen again", I told her.

Her lips twisted into a wry smile and she said, "Okay"

"Can I have Ara tomorrow? I thought of bringing her to my workplace so she could see the Run BTS set", I asked her to ease the tension.

She nodded absently while her eyes were still gazing at me. 

"Are you okay?", I asked.

"Yeah, just a bit tired. Since we got everything cleared up.. I'm going to leave, I guess", she said.

I didn't stop her.

Every inch of my body wanted to ask her to stay but I knew it would further complicate things. When she was about to leave, I gave her a hug out of habit and she stayed in my embrace for quite sometime and before she pulled away, I planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I'm sorry, okay?", I said to her.

She only smiled faintly and heaved a heavy sigh, as if to say this was not what she had expected. 

Ye-Ji's Point of View

I woke up exceptionally early the next day because I had a virtual interview with a company in London. I was still on the fence about moving but I thought since I already had an interview, I should just give it a try. The session went quite well and the company did mention that they needed someone fast but they would need to deliberate me first. We ended the session on a high note.

After I was done with the meeting, I started waking Ara up for her day with Jin. He had promised her earlier that he would bring her to the set so she could see where appa works. Ara was beyond excited about it that she couldn't stop talking about it the minute I told her yesterday.

"Oemma, you're not coming with us?", she asked.

I shook my head, "I need to settle few stuff at home but you guys have fun okay? Remember, to stay close with appa", I said to her.

Jin stood by the door while waiting for Ara to wear both of her shoes. His wandering gaze came up to my face and warmth shot painfully up my neck. Suddenly remembered the night that we just had. 

"Do you want to have dinner with us later?", he asked.

I glanced at Ara, unsure about my answer but Ara looked up to me. Her large eyes were bright and happy with Jin's question.

He smirked, knowing that I couldn't say no to Ara and he knew what he was doing.

"Call me okay once you're done? I'll try to make it", I ran my fingers thru her hair to straighten it.

He mouthed 'Thank you' before carrying Ara out of the house and I smiled looking at these two. Just few months ago, both didn't know about eachother's existence and now, Ara is utterly obsessed with Jin. 


Hi all!

Hope you guys are staying safe. This will be the last few chapters. Thanks for staying :)

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