Part 27

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Jin's Point of View

I knew this was Eun Jung's doing.

It had her stench all over this. 

I had been receiving a lot of threats from unknown numbers which I assumed it was all hers. Bang PD made it clear to me that each time I received such message, it should be forwarded to Sejin so that they could make sure all of us were safe from any harm. The moment I knew those were sasaengs, I started making calls to the company and in between those calls, I received one of the most unexpected messages from Sejin.

'Jin, please meet us at Ara's school. Someone breached the Non-Disclosure Agreement at her school.'

My heart felt like there were daggers in my heart after I read the text. I couldn't think straight at the point and when I was about to call Ye-Ji, she ran into the living room looking very much distraught.

"Jin, we need to go.. Ara's teacher just contacted me", Ye-Ji said in between her breath while frantically looking for her handbag.

I took it from the kitchen counter and grabbed the car keys, "Let's go"

I was worried that the sasaengs were still gonna be outside but before I could say anything, Ye-Ji opened the door but no one was there. I guess the guards already caught them. 

The 15 minutes journey to Ara's school felt like ages in this situation. I tried to focus on the road while Ye-Ji was fidgeting all the time and looking at her watch. I knew she was anxious and there was nothing I could say that could calm her.

By the time we arrived at her school, I parked just few meters away to assess the situation and all I could say was that we were screwed. A lot of people were there, even paparazzis just waiting for someone to appear so that they could start taking pictures. 

"Jin, we can't go in there with crowd like that", Ye-Ji said while pointing at the crazy crowd.

I nodded, "They are sending us someone to clear the way. Few more minutes", I responded.

Just few minutes after that, I was startled by few knocks on my window. It was Sejin and 6 people in uniforms. I assumed it was the guards that they had sent to us.

I rolled down the car window and gave Sejin a weak smile.

"Crazy crowd today, huh?", he asked while signally the four guards to leave.

"Possible to control?", I asked.

"Don't worry. We've dealt much worse. Just give them few minutes to clear the space. Once they are ready, you guys can go in", Sejin said, "Ye-Ji, nothing to worry. We will sort this out as soon as possible. Just bring Ara home for now"

Ye-Ji didn't respond as she was too distracted with the crowd situation. Few minutes after that, Sejin gave us green light to leave the car. Ye-Ji was about to run off when I grabbed her hand. She stopped and looked at me as if she was asking if I was sure.

I smiled and nodded, "Pull up your hood if you don't want your pictures to be taken and do not entertain any questions, okay?"

She didn't hesitate and held my hand even tighter while pulling up the hood of her jacket. 

I thought I would be nervous facing the crowd today but having her here with me, I've never felt so free. Whatever that was worrying, I felt like I could go through it just because I was holding her arm. I looked at her one last time before to make sure she was okay and just gave me a small nod.

As soon we started to walk towards her school, which was just 3 meters away from our car.. the whole crowd shifted their attention from the front gate to us. Both of us kept on head low while the guards just escorted us inside. The moment the crowd started shouting my name, I could feel Ye-ji's hand grip became tighter and she was shaking. I pulled her body close to mine to make sure no one could take photos of her and thank goodness for the many, many guards that the company sent. If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be able to make it inside.

"Mr. Kim and Miss Cho, we are sorry about what is happening right now. I can assure you that our staff have kept to their words but unfortunately, we were told someone by the name of Eun Jung informed about Kim A-Ra to the press", her principal informed us.

Ye-Ji took a deep breath before calmly said, "We are also sorry for causing a lot of trouble to the school. Is there anything we could do to fix this?"

Her principal took a long pause and gave us an apologetic look, I knew what she was going to say and Ye-Ji's gaze lowered. She also knew what was going to happen to Ara.

"I am sorry, Mr. Kim and Miss Cho but at the moment we would like to formally request Kim A-Ra to be withdrew from the school. I hope you understand how delicate the situation is.. other parents have starte-"

"It's okay, we know", Ye-Ji cut her off and stood up. She slowly bowed and asked for the teacher to bring Ara out so we could bring her home. 

By the time we ended the conversation, there were more people anxiously waiting for us outside of the premise knowing that Ara would be coming out. We carefully zipped up Ara's jacket and made sure her face was covered before we made our exit. Both me and Ye-Ji were adamant not to let anyone see Ara's face because we knew how heartless people can be, even towards kids. So when we came out, the guards made sure we had bigger walking area so that no one could come near us but since the crowd was bigger, the noise was even louder. 

While we were walking towards our car, someone managed to go over the guard and ran to Ye-Ji while tugging Ara's jacket. It must've startled her because she started crying after that and Ye-Ji stopped to check if she was okay. Ara couldn't stop crying and the girl was still tugging on Ara's jacket. She quickly passed Ara to me and shoved the girl out of the way and shouted, "Don't you dare touch my daughter"

The crowd got even crazier after that and after awhile, we managed to escape the crowd and I quickly drove off. 

"Baby, are you okay? Mummy's here. Mummy's here", Ye-Ji murmured softly to Ara.

Ara nodded, wiping her tears away while hiccupping in between. Ye-Ji was rocking Ara slowly back and forth, trying to calm her down when in reality, Ye-Ji was the one who needed this than Ara. 

"Ye-Ji, I am so sorry about this.. I didn't kn-"

"You didn't, Jin and look what happened. Clearly you have some unsettled business with Eun Jung. Please send me and Ara both to my parents' place. I can't take it anymore"


Hi readers!

The next chapters gonna come out few days late. (it depends how long writer's block will stay lol) but hope all of you are staying safe. Happy Festa Day, ARMY! Can't wait to watch Muster!

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