Part 39

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Jin's Point of View

I had been secretly planning for the wedding for weeks now and I did not do it just because I got her pregnant, even if she wasn't, I would've asked her hand in marriage. I knew what she always wanted because we talked about it ages ago but we ended up going to courthouse and having dinner with our immediate family. That was it and she never complained about not having a wedding.

That night a cool breeze touched my neck as I nervously waited for Ye-Ji parents to join me in the living room.

"Mr. and Mrs. Cho, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for taking the time to meet me today", I said to them while bowing slightly.

Mr. Cho chuckled at how formal I was with them that he just asked me to cut to the chase since it was already their bedtime.

"Honey, Seokjin must have something very important to talk to you. We rarely see home before midnight", Mrs. Cho said.

"I actually want to thank both of you for raising such an amazing daughter and also thank you for all the things you've done for her during my absence", I said.

Both of them just gave me an approving bow and smiled, "Is everything okay, Seokjin?"

I nodded, "I know things between me and Ye-Ji have been complicated and I actually never apologized for what happened many years ago but I want you to know that I still love her and will continue to love both of them and our future child with all my heart. Therefore, I would like ask for your blessing to take your daughter's hand in marriage, again and this time around, I promise both of you on my life that I won't take her for granted"

"Jin, stop daydreaming... which dress looks better on me?", Ye-Ji asked me that made me snapped out of my thoughts.

I smiled, looking at her twirling in probably the 78th dress that she had tried on. She was still angry that I only gave her four days notice because she wanted to have some say in the wedding but I reassured her that it was done entirely her way.

Ye-Ji's Point of View

I was about to get married to Kim Seokjin, again but this time around, I was 3 months pregnant and we have a three year old daughter. Everything still felt so surreal even though I was standing at the place of our wedding venue that we were about to get married one hour. I hadn't seen Jin since last night because he thought it is bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. I am quite sure that is only applicable for first time marriage...

Jin planned out the wedding to the very last detail, he only let me worry on the dress part. I was in awe of the whole setup; he booked a villa in a quiet secluded area so that no one press would find out about the wedding. Everything was better than I expected, only our closed ones were invited for the event and the whole place was perfectly decorated. I was admiring the lake view while waiting for the final touch up when I heard few knocks on my door. It was Taehyung and Yoongi.

Taehyung gasped as soon as he saw me in the wedding dress and Yoongi did his little cute run to hug me.

"How are you feeling, Ye-Ji?", Yoongi asked

I placed a hand on my stomach and said, "Nauseous but not sure if it's the morning sickness or wedding jitters"

Taehyung smiled and placed both of his hands on my shoulders, "You look beautiful, Ye-Ji and we are so, so happy for you"

Yoongi nodded, "We love you, Ye-Ji. You know we are only a call away, right?"

I smiled at both of them and quickly pulled them into a hug because I was getting teary eyed looking at these handsome two in tuxedo.

Just half an hour after that, I was called to wait in the waiting room with my mother. Her eyes immediately welled up when she saw me in the wedding dress. Not too long after that, the wedding planner gave us cue that they were ready for us. The butterflies in my stomach started turning into jumping jack rabbits. I felt like my whole intestines were coming out, my feet were cold and I had cold sweats. Oh god, wedding jitters. How I loathed you. 

I waited at the door while holding my mother's hand, waiting for the next cue for me to walk down the aisle.

"When you hear the piano, that's your cue and here's your daughter. She's your flower girl", our wedding planner said as she signalled Ara to come into the room. She was wearing a pretty lilac knee length lilac dress while holding a bouquet of peonies in her hands. I had no idea why but especially today, her face looked like the girl version of Kim Seokjin. I smiled looking at how perfect she looked.

"Oemma, appa asked me to pass you this", she said and handed me the bouquet of flowers that matched perfectly with my dress. 

Peony was my favorite flower. The last time we got married, Jin placed hundreds bouquets of peonies in our room during honeymoon. It definitely brought me back to that memories.
I was straightening Ara's dress when I suddenly heard the first few keys of 'Spring Day'.

"That's your cue", the wedding planner said as she opened the door. 

The moment she held the door handle, I felt like fainting. I was that nervous but as soon as she opened the door, I could only see Jin standing at the end of the aisle. He stood there, looking handsome as ever with his tuxedo and hair pushed back, revealing his forehead. He looked as nervous as I was but the moment I saw him, all the crazy feelings dissipated into thin air. At that moment, I was content to see him. With our daughter and unborn child by our side.

Just moments after that, I was Kim Seokjin's wife again.

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