Part 31

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Ye-Ji's Point of View

I sat in my room, in complete silence. The only thing that I heard was Ara's occasional chuckles coming from the TV room. I took a glance at the mirror and I did not like what I just saw; my hair was unkept, I was still in last night's clothes even though it was 11AM. My eyebags were horrendous from not getting any sleep after Jin left.

I hopped off into the shower after seeing how sad I looked. My head kept on replaying what happened last night as my mind kept on refusing to make sense of it. After finally looking like a decent human, I applied a thin layer of lip tint on my lips and joined Ara in the TV room.

"Oemma, you look really pretty today", she said as she noticed my new look.

I smiled hearing what she just called me, "Oemma? Where did you to call me that?", I asked her.

"Now that I have an Appa, I thought Oemma suits you better", she smiled as she handed me her artwork.

It was the family tree that she made for Jin.

"Can we pass this to him today?", she innocently asked.

I took a careful look at her artwork, this time around she added a photo from our wedding and apparently she got it from one of the websites. I didn't bother to ask which because our wedding photos somehow were still easily accessible.

I nodded, "Sure honey"

"Oemma", she called me while looking at the family tree.

"Yes baby?"

"I like how you are when appa is around"

I like it too, Ara. I really do.

I looked at the watch and realized it was already noon. I promised Yoongi that he could come over so that can catch up for a bit before he went back to Daegu. He should be arriving any minute now. I was already headed downstairs when I heard the doorbell rang.

"You look like you could use a cup of coffee", he said as he poked my under eyes, "Or maybe two.. rough night?"

I chuckled at his stupid joke and took the cup with me, "Sleeping with my ex-husband is definitely the highlight of my year"

I met his gaze and saw the confusion across his features and that was when I realized that he didn't know about that part. He was referring to my move to London.

The look on his shocked face was priceless and I was trying very hard to conceal my embarrassment. I really thought he knew about it.

"How did you end up from wanting to move to London to sleeping with Kim Seokjin?", he gave me another bewildered look.

I felt like a nasty headache was coming my way and I groaned, "I know..."

"But why was he in such a foul mood tho this morning? I assumed it was because of London but since this happened. I guess there was something more?", he asked.

The room was silent for a few moments and then I let out a heavy sigh and said, "I told him I regretted it and I asked him to leave"

"Did you tho?"

I had no idea what to answer him.

The parts of my body that he touched still felt hot and I was flustered each time I remembered the way he kissed me. Even the thought of it was enough to make me blush. So no, I did not regret it but I had no idea if it meant to him the way it did for me.

"But why are you holding back if you are still in love with him?", he suddenly asked.

I tried to avoid answering his question by shifting my gaze absently to the window and then Yoongi gently held my hands, "You know he loves you too, right?"

I sure hope so too.

Before he left for Daegu, Yoongi tried convincing me to talk to Jin one more time. 

"I'll think about it", I said.

"Don't think, just do", he chuckled as he hugged me goodbye. 

Text Message

Ye-Ji - Can I come over?

I wanted to wait for his response but my head had a whole speech prepared for him, I wanted him to know that I waited for him to come look for me. I wanted him to know how painful it was to go through labor alone. I wanted him to know how fucking devastating it was to go through the fourth trimester on my own while I had to watch him through a glass screen. I wanted him to know all these because I did not want to wake up the next day and not have him around.

I had all these grand speech prepared but the moment his front door swung open. His distraught features gazed up to me, and I suddenly felt bad again for causing him any sort of pain.

"Can we talk?", I asked.

He nodded but said nothing.

"Jin, about last nig-", I said but he cut me off.

"Don't worry about it. We shouldn't have done it too. It was a reckless mistake"

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