Part 16

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Ye-Ji's Point of View

Ara woke up incredibly early for the concert and I had a tough time putting her to bed because she went on and on about her beloved idols. I wasn't planning to wake up that early but she blasted their song in my room and that caused me to spring up my bed, looking for the source my disturbance.

There she was, all showered and ready for the concert. 

"Who helped you get ready?", I said while gesturing her to plop on my bed with my hands.

She jumped on my bed and said, "Halmeoni! I am even wearing the t-shirt that Uncle Taehyung gave"

She twirled on the bed while showing me her outfit. Her t-shirt was written 'Tiny ARMY' with their face printed on it. 

"Do you like the t-shirt? We can get some more after the concert ends", I smiled looking at her. She was looking at her t-shirt, trying to figure out who's who.

"I can't wait to meet Kim Seokjin and Park Jimin, mummy!", she exclaimed.

I half-heartedly smiled and nodded, "We'll try to meet them after the show if they are not busy okay?"

Text Message

Taehyung - After the concert, don't stay for the meet and greet.. hang out a bit and we'll ask someone to come get you.
Ye-Ji - What about Jin...
- Yoongi already told Jin that that's your niece. Worst case scenario, just tell him that Ara is his kid 🤣
Ye-Ji - HA HA HA funny.

I lazed around for bit and started getting ready while Ara took her nap. I was dead nervous the whole time; my palms were sweating, my body felt warm and I felt like the huge lump in my throat could just come out anytime. 

I must've changed my outfits a thousand of times because by the end of the session, my room looked like the closet had just vomited out its content. I finally opted to wear a high-wasted jeans shorts and tucked in my oversized white shirt, just to match with Ara's outfit. For someone who's trying to hide her daughter, I am sure making it look easy to find out.

Oh well.

We got to the venue just 15 minutes before the concert started and we went straight to our cubicle. Albeit small, we could see the guys clearly and the sound was bearable. Ara thoroughly enjoyed the show and every time one of the guys waved at her, she would call me many times to make sure that I saw it too. 

"Did you enjoy the concert, baby?", I asked as I handed a bottle of water to her. 

She nodded and wiped the sweaters that were dripping off her forehead. 

"Yes, mummy. Thank you for bringing me!", she hugged me.

I smiled looking at how happy she was, "You should thank your uncles. They managed to get these best seats for you"

"Miss Cho", a man called my name from the cubicle's door.

The voice was awfully familiar and when I turned around, it was their manager, Sejin.

"Sejin! How are you?", I got up and gave him a huge hug.

"It's been so long, Ye-Ji! When Yoongi told me that you'd be here, I thought he was lying. How are you doing?", he said and then he looked at Ara.

"Is this the precious little girl that Jungkook couldn't stop talking about", he said while waving at Ara.

I nodded, "Yes, it's a long story..."

We wanted to chat a bit more but it was cut off by a phone call.

"Ye-Ji, we need to go now. People have started leaving", Sejin said.

I nodded and held Ara's hands while letting Sejin leading the way. 

"Mummy, where are we going?", Ara asked.

"There's a surprise for you, baby", I said.

Sejin brought us to the meet and greet area and not many people were there. Even the boys were nowhere to be seen but at the end of the corner, I saw Jin's girlfriend playing with her phone. The moment I saw her, I knew it was a bad idea to bring Ara here and even their fans started looking at us weirdly and I could hear some of them whispering my name.

'Isn't that Ye-Ji?'

'She has a lot of guts still coming here'

Their fans must still really hate me because none of them were paying attention at Ara and I was glad. Sejin just stood with me to make sure no one would come over.

I started feeling more anxious as time goes by.. Ara couldn't keep still and I felt like vomiting. I was about to turn around and take Ara with me when someone pulled my arm.

"Where are you going?", it was Yoongi.

All of them, except for Jin was there. 

I grinned as I held onto Ara who were looking at these guys, totally in complete awe with what she was witnessing but Jin was nowhere in sight. Ara was really distracted looking at Jimin that she didn't look for Jin.

The guys all greeted her and made sure she was comfortable with everything. I was joking around with Jimin when I saw Jin entered the room, but he was walking towards Eun Jung direction.

Jin's Point of View

After the meet and greet, the guys went straight back into the venue because Ye-Ji decided to drop by and since Eun Jung was there, I decided to go out a bit later so that I could sneak out of there without anyone noticing. 

As I walked back into the venue, I saw the guys were talking and laughing with Ye-Ji and Eun Jung was just seated not too far from where they were standing. 

This is going to be another fight.. Again.

"Hey babe, how long have you waited for me?", I said to Eun Jung who was busy playing with her phone.

She looked at me for few seconds, looking all pissed and then she went back to her phone.

I sighed, "Is it about her again? I went straight to you. Still not enough for you?", I scoffed.

"Did you know that she was going to be here?", Eun Jung said bitterly.

I shook my head, "I didn't."

"You know none of them bothered to talk to me? They went straight to her and the kid", her voice sounded annoyed but as soon as she said 'the kid'. I quickly turned my head to see the kid she was referring to.

As I turned around, I saw them walking towards our direction since the exit door was just next to the place Eun Jung was waiting. 

I completely froze when I saw Ye-Ji; her cheeks were puffed  up red from laughing at the jokes that whoever just cracked. The oversized white shirt hung on her skinny frame nicely and then I saw the kid that Eun Jung was saying. 

My jaw dropped when I saw the little girl's face.

Why the fuck does she has my facial features?

"Omg, mummy! It's Kim Seokjin!", the girl shrieked when she saw me.

Ye-Ji gave me a weak smile and nodded, "Yes baby, that's him"

"She's been asking about you, do you mind taking a photo with her?", Namjoon asked.

I was still in shocked but I just nodded and took a quick photo with her while carefully examining her face. I looked at Ye-Ji and she bowed to me and thanked me for taking a photo with her daughter.


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