Part 38

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Jin's Point of View

It had been almost a month ever since we found out about Ye-Ji. She wasn't entirely thrilled that almost everyone that we knew (not that both of us had many friends anyway) about the pregnancy before the first trimester ended but because of her very bad morning sickness, it was quite hard to hide it from people. Especially to our parents. They were beyond happy to get another grandchild but they were also not entirely thrilled that I knocked up their daughter out of wed but they accepted the news with open arms.

Ever since the agency found out about Ye-Ji, the schedule had become slightly bearable for all of us. Of course we had our late nights but ever since I started working, I decided to move back to Ye-Ji's place so that I could spend more time with her and Ara.

"I'm almost three months pregnant but my tummy already feels like I'm at my fifth month", she said as she rubbed her belly in front of her mirror.

I smiled looking how beautiful she looked bare skinned. Despite of her excessive throwing up, she already had that pregnancy glow but no matter what I said, she just thought I was trying to butter her up.

"You know sooner or later, you can't hide this from Ara anymore?", I smirked.

"Try explaining our situation to her", she rolled her eyes.

I gently kissed her forehead and said, "We'll do it over the weekend okay? I have Saturday off this week. By the way, I am finishing work at 3PM today. Check what I left you the wardrobe and be ready by 6PM okay?"

She was puzzled with my request but she was mid way running into the bathroom to throw up that she just said okay without asking anything.

Ye-Ji's Point of View

This pregnancy was different.

I constantly felt sick. I was always throwing up and there were times when I had to be IV dripped because I was dehydrated but thank god Jin decided that it was time for him to move back to my parents' house and Ara had started school and there were days where Jin would hire someone to come over to take care of the house.

Many were wondering what was going to happen between me and Jin since we had a baby on the way and honestly speaking, we hadn't gotten that part figured out yet since he already started working and I couldn't be bothered at this point.

Text Message

Jin - I am running some errands and gonna pick up Ara from school later. Remember our dinner date.
Ye-Ji - Okay. Where are we going?
Jin - It's a secret.
Ye-Ji - ಠ_ಠ Fine, fine. Get home safe.
Jin - Always.

I took my time to get ready because any sudden movement could lead to me vomiting my whole insides out. While I was trying to figure out what to do with my hair, I decided to see what Jin had gotten for me. It had a note on it

'Got this made specially for you. See you later, beautiful. J'

I blushed reading the note and I carefully opened the package that was sitting in the wardrobe. It was a Chanel tweed jacket that I had always wanted back then.

"Can't believe he still remembers this", I said to myself while trying the jacket out.

We saw this jacket during honeymoon and at that time, to spend KRW 4M on a jacket definitely did not make sense to us. It still didn't make sense now, especially considering that he had it made for me. I rummaged through my closet and found a pair of light brown dress to go with it. I finished up the look with red lipsticks and headed downstairs as I heard Ara's voice.

When I got through the two flight of stairs of hell, Jin was standing at the front door looking like a mighty handsome stud. He was wearing a suit with his hair slicked back.

"Appa, Oemma looks really beautiful, doesn't she?", Ara asked while shaking Jin's hand.

He nodded and smiled, "She always is. Now, Ara.. Oemma and appa are going out tonight. You stay at home and listen to noona okay?", he said to Ara.

I was still mesmerized by how good he looked that when he caught me staring, a smirk appeared on his face.

"Let's go, I don't want us to be late", he said as he ushered my out of the house.

I had no idea why this felt like one of our first dates and throughout the drive, albeit being dangerous, Jin held my hand the whole time.

"Where are we going?", I asked.

He smiled, "You'll know when we get there"

Few minutes later, he stopped at a very familiar place. It was the first restaurant that we went on our first date but the place got demolished just a year after they debuted. I was expecting it to look run down but what I saw shocked me to the core.

It looked like the restaurant that we used to go to but the size was a lot smaller and from the outside, I can see there were only 2 people working there and there was a table in the middle of the restaurant.

"Jin, what is this?", I said after I got out of the car.

"Do you still remember this place?", he asked.

I nodded, "Of course. I still have pictures from the date"

"Ever since we got back together, I had been coming here to make the place up and running again. I even got the previous owner to come back", he replied.

When I got into the place, it was decorated with rose petals and candles. The whole setup was beyond what I had expected. The whole night, we talked about Ara and our unborn child. I was in awe of how thrilled he sounded talking about the future. He told me what he had plans for the kids and how he wanted to retire early so that he could spend his time with us. I was enjoying the whole conversation until Jin suddenly stopped and took a few sips of his drink. He took few deep breaths and stood up while straightening his jacket.

"You feeling okay?", I asked him.

"Never been better actually", he smiled.

He slowly got down on his knees and that was when I realized what he was about to do. My heart started to flutter at the sight of him looking up at me.

"Ye-Ji baby, I told you all the things I have planned for us and our kids but I want to do this with my wife by my side. Will you marry m-"

I didn't let him finish that I immediately shouted yes.

He chuckled and put one finger up, "No, you have to let me finish"

I closed my mouth with my hands, still in disbelief of what just happened, "Okay okay I let you finish"

"Will you marry me... this Saturday?"

"Wh-what", I stuttered, "Why Saturday?"

"Because I don't want to live another day without having you as my wife and I've booked our loved ones' timings, they are free this Saturday and I already planned everything. I want you to have the wedding that you deserve", he calmly responded.

"Yes, yes, yes", I said repeatedly as I pulled him into a hug.

Jin slowly slid the ring onto my finger as he leaned in and placed his lips on mine.

"Just a question, what if I say no?", I chuckled.

"I would just die from the embarrassment"

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