Jin's Point of View
Our fight ended abruptly because Ara came into the room and the moment I heard that she called me Appa, the fight didn't matter anymore. I knelt down in front of my daughter and wrapped my arms around her tiny body. She held me back even tighter and said, "Appa, don't leave me again"
"Ara baby, I am so sorry that I wasn't around but I really love you. I am so sorry, baby", I said while trying to swallow the big lump down my throat.
"I love you too, Appa", she slowly replied.
That was when I felt a wave of emotions came my way and I couldn't hold back the tears anymore and so did Ye-Ji. If I was less ignorant and proud towards Ye-Ji's feelings back then, I would know about my daughter's existence but when she left, I was at my peak. Not that I thought I could do better (no matter how much I tried) but I was too egoistic to that point that I thought she would come back and find me. But she never did.
I still remember the day I found out about her leaving. It was the last day of my parents staying there before I moved them to another apartment nearby mine.
My parents just got back from Ye-Ji's house and since I hadn't gone back to the house for a while now, I asked my parents if they managed to pass some Ye-Ji's belongings to her parents.
"Jin-ah..", my mother said and took a seat next to me while holding the box that she was supposed to give to Ye-Ji.
She paused and glanced at my father, who had the same worried look on his face.
"What is it?", I asked.
"Mr. and Mrs. Cho told me that Ye-Ji already moved to another country last week... Maybe you should keep this box first. I'll try to find out her new address"
"Ara, can you please get ready for dinner? I'll order pizza, okay?", Ye-Ji said while wiping away her tears.
She nodded and left the room.
"Is it okay with if I stay for dinner?", I curiously asked.
Ye-Ji bit her bottom lip and reluctantly agreed to my request. While waiting for Ara to get ready and food to arrive, none of us spoke to each other. She just laid on her bed and her gaze was empty. I could hear she let out small, long sighs in between while I just sat on the couch, looking at the moon. Thinking of ways to fix the situation.
We continued to not speak directly to each other during dinner but it wasn't obvious to Ara but Ara was excitedly telling me everything that she learned in school, about her caretaker in London and everything about her that she thought I'd like to know. I carefully listened to my daughter talk and I was beyond happy to do so while Ye-Ji sat next to me. Even though both of us weren't talking, I felt this warm fuzzy feeling inside.
After dinner ended, Ara was already tired from the long day that she had but she asked if I could stay until she fell asleep. Both of us read story books to her and I even sang her my favorite lullaby that my mother used to sing to me. She fell asleep right after that.
I kissed her forehead and left the room with Ye-Ji and went into the TV room.
"You must be tired", I said to break the silence.
She shrugged and sat on the couch, looking at the blank TV screen.
I knelt in front of her and took both of her hands in mine. I know it was supposed to feel weird but it didn't. Her soft hands felt warm in mine. I gazed at her. Her eyes were puffy from all the crying.
"Jin..", she finally spoke up and rested her forehead on mine.
"I need to start fresh, Jin.."
I took a long pause and I could feel her breathing heavily. I stood up and sat next to her. Slowly wrapping my arms around her. I gently kissed the back of her head.
"Can you just tell me why this time you need to leave?", I asked her.
She bit her lip before heaving a heavy sigh, "I don't think I've ever gotten over you and I really need to this time"
I was baffled to hear her short confession, I waited a bit more to see if she would say anything next but she just kept quiet. I pulled myself away from her to get a proper look at her face. Of course I was excited to hear this but her expression was otherwise, she did not look happy.
I slowly tilted my face get a better look at hers. I moved in closer and took a short pause, to see if she was hesitant but she was not. My lips gently brushed against hers - and that light touch sent shivers through my nerves, it shivered that made my whole body trembled.
And to my surprise, she did more than just not stop me, she kissed me back.
Hi everyone!
I'll be taking few days break because I overbaked over the weekend and accidentally injured my wrist. Thanks for reading!
Btw I am thinking of writing a new series, any members you'd like to recommend? :)

Ex-Wife | Kim Seokjin
FanfictionBeing Kim Seokjin's wife was never easy but she never thought being his ex-wife is going to be even harder. Especially when she is raising a kid that he never knew he had. genre - romance, comedy, divorce, relationship, anger Highest Rank 1. June ...