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Paused for inquiry.
Reviewing segment...

The University of Colbridge's 160th Commencement spared no expense.

They'd prepared an auditorium – lined with the same digital tiles that covered the Zen Garden. They replicated a sunny day, hardly any clouds in the sky save for the ones they'd programmed to drift lazily through the LED sun's rays.

A woman stood at the center podium, staring down at all who would graduate and walk the stage, today. She was wrapping up a rather long-winded speech, one about perseverance and succeeding against all odds...

Against public scrutiny.

She spoke of the outside world as if here, in this place, the true masterminds of the world were about to lift the shackles placed on them by society. Like they were members of a small army she was letting loose upon the lands in a righteous, technology-driven crusade.

"A friend of mine who teaches for the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University once shared with me a piece of literature that would change my life forever. Avron Barr and Edward Feigenbaum of the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University published The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence in 1981. I will now read an excerpt from this brilliant publication, and we will begin the degree acceptance portion of today's ceremony..."

Amanda Stern shuffled a card, smiling at the crowd as her long sleeves and tasseled chords dangled all around her.

"'Physicists ask what kind of place this universe is and seek to characterize its behavior systematically. Biologists ask what it means for a physical system to be living...We in artificial intelligence wonder what kind of information-processing system can ask such questions.'"

She took a deep breath, pausing for dramatic effect.

"Today marks the day that the world will no longer wonder what kind of systems may ask these fascinating questions. Today marks the day the world will get its answers, thanks to these graduates from the University of Colbridge."


There'd been a sense of overwhelming pride as Elijah's name was called, and he walked the stage in his cap and gown. He'd been the only student to receive a warm hug from Amanda Stern. The only one who she smiled in the picture that was taken of them, hand-in-hand, diploma holder under his arm.

And when it was time to gather around after the ceremony had concluded, it was Elijah's circle that she'd headed towards.

"I had my apprehensions when Elijah informed us you'd be staying with him during those critical moments nearing his degree completion." Mrs. Kamski said over a glass of wine, "However, he's spoken very highly of you and your support. It appears we were misguided in our assumptions."

Conversation with his parents were becoming increasingly dry. They usually were. It wasn't a surprise where he got the parts of him that were lackluster.

"And what do you plan to do now?" His father asked.

You were taken aback by that question. It was as if he'd assumed you were going somewhere, being dismissed.

"I suppose I'll keep supporting Elijah as he pursues his...future endeavors."

"You're going to work with him at CyberLife?" His mother snickered, "You're hardly qualified, dear."


"Mother..." Elijah frowned, "Not today of all days, please."

She huffed, taking a larger sip while staring at you from over the rim of the glass. You bit your tongue, and turned to him.

Natural Selection (Elijah Kamski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now