Letter from the Author/Up Next

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(Note: Read what happened next in Chapter 22 of Machine Learning. This is a continuation from the last chapter of Natural Selection from a different POV, and can be read by itself with minor spoilers to Machine Learning)


If you're reading this, you're a glutton for stress and anxiety, and I'm sorry. But thank you! I can't believe it took me two years to finish these projects. I also can't thank you enough for your continued readership.

Natural Selection was hard to write, especially because we all already knew how major arcs ended. Some parts were happy/great, but the looming tragedies regarding both the marriage and Anthony always tainted those moments. Still, it was fun to expand on the dark past referred to so many times in Deviant Behavior, and I hope it helps put a lot in perspective.

While writing these stories, my life fell on some hard times, but at the same time, I was experiencing all life had to offer (while I could). Through that time, I graduated from college after eight years, went through a grizzly job search but managed to get out of retail (8 years of that, too) and into a nice office job, and of course, 3 months after that, the COVID-19 pandemic hit. So, as I'm sure the same can be said for most people, the last two years have been absolutely crazy. Here's to hoping the next two won't be as bad (and I can maintain a consistent update schedule...)

All of your wonderful comments and feedback really kept me going (special shoutout to the Deviant Behavior Discord community) whether it was on here on AO3, Twitter, Tumblr, Wattpad, wherever. This fandom isn't as active as it once was, but this project was still extremely fun for me. That being said, there were some scenes that were scrapped in an effort to finish them faster. You may see other chapters being posted (for both Natural Selection and Machine Learning) in the future during my off time after I get started on the next two parts of the series.

I am SO excited to start the next them, and I hope that even after four years after the publication of Deviant Behavior, you are too. These next two "books" are two that I have been storyboarding since the drafting days of Deviant Behavior in 2018, and the only reason I didn't start them before Natural Selection and Machine Learning is because I felt as though, in the world building sense, that more context was needed to really appreciate them. Sometimes it got hard to keep going and stay motivated, but your kind words, feedback, and the general support of my friends pushed me. Thank you. (I also need to shout out Cerulaine, who single-handedly fueled the fire for these prequels and sequels with hours of SHAMELESS indulgence)

And, of course, thanks to everyone who let me bounce ideas off them for these stories, (The Beanies TM) but especially one person in particular who has spent hours on end as a sounding board, beta reader, and resident physics expert... MjrGenMatt. (Seriously, he doesn't even question my questions anymore, I think he might be traumatized?)

Speaking of Matt, I posted a hilarious thread on Tumblr (@ PrecursorAO3) about Pegasus got his name.

And that's a wrap! Another one for the books.

See you in the next one <3


Up Next in the "I Am Alive" Series


Summary: The infamous Deviant Hunter no longer serves the program named Amanda, but androids of the same model do

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Summary: The infamous Deviant Hunter no longer serves the program named Amanda, but androids of the same model do. Among them is the suspect. The sniper. The murderer.

His target.

Connor struggles to make peace with the inevitable - that those closest to him will learn how good he is at carrying out evil deeds. He'll tell them that, even though he loved the woman who went from "the Heretic" to "the Martyr" long before the world did, his first love was the Hunt...

...and what is done out of love, always takes place beyond good and evil.

WIP - can be read on its own

Connor x Reader - Connor POV: Connor goes rogue, hunting the remaining RK800 units under Amanda's control. He's guided by a mysterious intelligence, and finds many unlikely allies.

• Direct sequel to Deviant Behavior
• Runs parallel to Deep Blue
• Continuation of Natural Selection and Machine Learning

Deep Blue

Summary: Detective Reed was known by many names back when he ran with the worst of Detroit, underground and undercover

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Summary: Detective Reed was known by many names back when he ran with the worst of Detroit, underground and undercover. Unlike the rookies fresh off desk duty, he knew exactly what the city was like after dark. So when the EMP detonated, and the lights went out, "Gavin Reed" was on a short list of names enlisted in a new DPD-FBI joint task force. Also on that list? His new partner - an RK900 ready to make a name for himself, too. Now they just had to figure out how to keep their hands off each other...or not. Fuck it.

It was the end of the world, after all.

WIP - can be read on its own

Gavin Reed x RK900: Fast flame, but their attachment is more than physical, and they navigate a new, dystopian Detroit. With the FBI and DPD SWAT Unit 32, they track the RK800 units that are infiltrating organized crime rings.

• Direct sequel to Deviant Behavior
• Runs parallel to Deep Blue
• Continuation of Natural Selection and Machine Learning

Natural Selection (Elijah Kamski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now