Last Night in Brooklyn

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Traveling to New York City...

From the dusted roads or Mexico and disguised hedge fund managers, to Wall Street and the suited brokers that ran it, you were now in a different kind of a jungle. If you'd thought Detroit's up and coming automated scene was overwhelming, this place put it to shame.

New York City, The City that Never Sleeps, and your destination was the borough where there was No Sleep Till: Brooklyn.
Manhattan smelled like broken dreams and success all at the same time. The infusion hung in the air as bodies converged and twisted around each other on each overcrowded sidewalk.

Electricity jolted your tired, jet lagged limbs. Your problems felt small in comparison to the steel and glass giants blotting out the sky, reaching so high that the back of your head met the base of your neck. And somehow, through this chaos, you found peace. With a city that was bustling and as busy as you were; where EVERYONE was stressed and in a matched your pace – you felt relaxed.

Here, you weren't sleep deprived, you were responsible. You weren't stressed, you were dealing with your problems and not running from them. You weren't in a rush, being on time was just important. And you definitely weren't a spectacle – you were just another celebrity in NYC.

That last part you had to convince yourself of, and not credit it to the disguises that had been Elijah's idea...and project.

"Honey, when you got your eyes worked on, did it make you color blind?" You asked with a sweet smile.

"Oh, you're very funny today...and I don't want to hear it, the woman who was waiting behind us said she loved your jacket."

"She was in her 60's!"

"Exactly, so she knows better than you."

"Eli-" You covered your mouth and started "coughing."

"Nice save." He smirked as the two of you made your way to the awaiting transportation.


But when you were both in the back of a blacked-out SUV, given what felt like the POTUS hit you that you didn't even know why you were there.

"So, what's on the agenda today?" You removed the scarf wrap over your head, and oversized sunglasses.

It distracted him for a moment.

"First, we get checked in the hotel-"

It was the first thing he said every time. You'd actually mocked him in your head before he said it...and the words of familiarity typically led before the unknown; the bleak reality that you'd be shuffled around during a mixer like an Ace of Spades trading hands to the highest bidder.

"-then, we unpack."

Your brows furrowed, "Unpack?"



"Because, dear...we're staying here for a few days."

"We are?"

You couldn't remember the last time you'd been in one place, other than Detroit, for more than a large, lump sum of hours. But days?

"Since our honeymoon got cut short, I thought we should finish it. And, well...Paris is nice, but it's not New York City."

He had a fond attachment to the Big Apple, like this is where he would have preferred to start his company, but was budget-forced into settling. Or maybe that was you projecting. Probably.

Natural Selection (Elijah Kamski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now