Technological Singularity

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Traveling to Colbridge...

Your invitation to the Colbridge board meeting had been a last-minute arrangement, drafted up by whoever Elijah yelled at on the phone. Returning to the city had you feeling ill, much less being back in the college itself.

It was as if you were a prisoner that was let out early on good behavior, and you'd committed some awful crime to land yourself back in jail.  You weren't initially offered a seat where the wardens would speak. One had been made last minute. A single platform held by wooden legs, your back supported by steel bars.

The only decision you had the power to make was who would be your cellmate, and he faithfully remained by your side.

That'd been the first time you sat in their exclusive conference room. You  imagined it was where all their dark dealings and shady transactions were made. It stank of illegal handlings.

One red, velvet chair sat empty at the head of the table. No one spoke, they just tapped away on their laptops, phones, or tablets. There was no communication. Their interests and attention were given solely to the technology in their palms. You were pretty sure that even Elijah had sent you a text while sitting next to you.

When the main doors opened, everyone but you jumped to their feet like the Pope just walked in. You weren't part of the "all rise" for the fake judge whose final word would dictate your sentencing. She didn't deserve it...but that didn't stop her from playing the part.

She eased her hand, motioning for everyone to take a seat. She stood in front of her chair directly at the other end of the table, barreling down sights aimed at you.

"So glad you could join us." Amanda paired the words with a deceiving smile.

"The pleasure is all mine..." You didn't bother removing your fist from your cheek or moving your elbow that was planted on the table, as you spoke.

"Such little enthusiasm." Amanda whipped, "I would expect more from you while sitting in the same room as the shareholders and investors that made your husband's company a reality."

"Oh, I'm enthused." You sat upright, "But let's not forget my husband's company wouldn't have existed without my husband."

Elijah's knee subtly banged into yours. You shot him a look, and he fired one back.

Amanda let out a soft hum of a laugh, "Ah, yes...I think it's fair to say everyone in this room greatly appreciates Elijah's work."

A 3D model held in a T pose appeared on a massive screen to the left, illuminating the conference room.

"Androids, plastic and efficient. This prototype only costs $500 to manufacture, but we estimate its market value could potentially reach up to $1,000."

The prototype was white with a brilliant shine, each seam carefully crafted to mesh with another. If the bolts hadn't been there, you would've thought they were hand-carved of marble – walking and talking Roman statues.

The vultures in the room took notes, only appearing to be interested when numbers came into play.

"However, we're concerned that this design will fail in the residential market. They aren't very...inviting."

"With all due respect..." Elijah interrupted, "We don't ask ourselves if refrigerators are 'inviting' before we purchase one. Do you ask yourself if a washer and dryer look inviting? These androids are another appliance, that's what they're designed to be. I'm not sure I understand."

"Allow me." Amanda snapped, standing up.

She began to pace along the space underneath the projection that cycled through various images to support her point.

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