Random Mutation

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Inquiry: Is evolution a random process?
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Your TV's light highlighted the polished furniture in your apartment. Illuminated the dark cracks and empty space of a house divided between energies – one consuming you into blackness as you watched the broadcast. In one hand, you held a glass of wine, with the other in the pocket of your $800 slacks underneath a $700 silk blouse. The news tape scrolled on repeat: "Live tour with Founder and CEO Elijah Kamski l Behind the scenes of America's android success story." Now that androids were commercialized, CyberLife...Elijah, used the industrial success story to sell them.

That same success that was kept private and under every NDA imaginable about the androids who were solely responsible for leaps and bounds within specific industries because of the reduction of labor costs. The androids that drove out the farmers. The doctors. Teachers. And soon? Everyone. But there were very little of the public focused on that. After all, gaining more time to enjoy everyday life versus minuscule tasks was far from a hard sell. Even those who were concerned about the repercussions flew too close to the sun.

Free time can't pay the bills, and you don't get paid to be replaced by an android...not longer than a few weeks, anyway. You would bet that the people who had more free time on their hands after the first wave of massive layoffs would give anything to get back to work and support their families.

This tour was a stunt to leverage public support, but before KNC would air it, there was one special event they had to get out of the way first:

Their interview with Chloe.

She sat on a chair, poised and prim, as anyone would expect. Looking all too perfect.

"Ugh...its honestly just sickening." You rolled your eyes and sipped your wine, "Look at her. It's disgusting. She looks like she's barely 18, sexualized and sold and made in this 'girl next door' image. Where's the diversity, huh? They couldn't even get that right?"

Anthony was sitting at your writing desk – the elevated, circular thing with high-standing chairs close to the glass doors leading out to the balcony. His feet were propped up on the rungs underneath, one of them bouncing impatiently.

"Sorry, can't talk right now, too busy working on, you know...our project."

You ignored him and kept watching. The show was about to begin.

"For starters, what should I call you?" The interviewer asked.

"I'm Chloe! And you? What's your name?"

Even her voice was perfect. Her smile. The way her head bobbed, and her cheeks moved. The way she breathed, and her shoulders shifted – she was the perfect human image.

"Oh! Uh, John. My name is John."

"Delighted to meet you, John."

You scolded, "Oh, fucking hell...no one says that anymore."

Anthony huffed through his nose, but failed to comment.

"Could you tell us a little about yourself and what you can do, Chloe?"

"Yes, I'd love to," you answered in a mocking tone, "I'm Elijah Kamski's cute little sex doll-"

"Shh, I'm trying to listen!" Anthony whispered harshly.

"...assistant built by CyberLife. I take care of most everyday tasks, like cooking, housework, or managing your appointments, for example."

"Mhm, and I understand you're the first android to have passed the Turing Test. Could you tell us-"

Natural Selection (Elijah Kamski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now