New Beginning

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I sat on the plane thinking of all the new things coming my way. I'm heading to Atlanta to be with my big brother. It's gonna be a good experience seeing as it's always been just me, and my mom. My dad walked out on me and my brother a long time ago. I was your average girl, I went to high school dealt with peer pressure, all of that. I needed a change of scenery from my home life so I applied to an out of state college. Atlanta wasn't my first choice, but my brother talked me into it. Said we needed to get our bond back. I'm actually excited, cause I get to meet his fiancee, and his daughter for the first time. I've always wanted a sister, I hope his fiancee likes me. Yeah I know it should be the other way around, but I haven't been around my brother since I was eleven, other than a few visits. But it's not his fault, his job is important so I don't blame him. The stewardess speaks up letting me know my flight is landing. I gather the few things next to me, and prepare to un-board the plane with the rest of the passengers. My brother said he'd be at the airport waiting on me, but I didn't see him. I kept looking around til I spotted a sign with my name on it. I smiled seeing my brother, and a little girl that I'm sure is his daughter. Pulling my bags along with me I sprint to him. His 5'7" frame hugs my 5'11" one.

"Baby sis!" He gushes still hugging me.

"I missed you." I said hugging tighter until we finally let go.

"Look at you, done grew up on me and sh, stuff." He quickly corrected himself because his daughter was right there.

"Yeah, I'm not a baby anymore."

"That might be true, but you'll always be my baby sister." He was right, my brother will always see me as the baby cause I'm the youngest out of all our sisters. Some stuff went down between him, them, and our father they haven't spoken since then. Me I was on his side, I never interacted with my dad's side of the family anyway. It wasn't because my mom thought she was better than them, it's just that they denied me since the day I was born, so my mom figured, why bring me around people that didn't accept me anyway? I stared at the little girl who was staring back up at me. My brother smirked, before grasping her little hand, and bringing her in front of him.

"Shai, this is daddy's sister, Aila. She's your auntie." She unclasp her hand from my brother's to stand in front of me.

"Hi." She waves. Her cute smile wide as the day is long.

"Hi cutie." I gush waving back.

"I'm glad to finally meet you. Shad she's adorable, pictures don't do her justice." I can already see the cocky grin showing on my brothers face. He brushes his nails against his shirt.

"Well ahh you know it's just in that Moss blood." He joked. If you've caught on then yes my brother is Shad Moss formerly, and still known as Bow Wow. I set my bags in the trunk of Shad's car while he straps Shai in her seat. This new adventure should be fun, I've been to a few places to visit Shad for a few days, but never to stay. Wonder what's in store for me?

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