Alton Sterling

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I'm outraged, everyday I look on tv, or social media just to see another person of my ethnicity is gone. Some wrongful deaths, some for their own not so smart decisions. However this man was gunned down in front of business for selling CDs, which he was granted permission by the owner to do so. How dare you say your job is to protect and serve if you're gunning down the harmless! Where was his protection? It may not be all cops, but at this moment I fear for the lives of the men in my life. It seems they are the main target for this execution. I look to the face of my new born nephew, and my two year old cousin promising them that they will be protected. How can I promise them that if the ones sworn to protect them just might be the ones to take their lives. I'm also not saying it's all white cops doing this, my people are just as crooked as the other bad cops. Prime example, my mom, my bestfriend, and I were at the gas station last night. This man was a member of the Birmingham Police Department, clad in his uniform smoking weed with a guy in the parking lot like he was a civilian. Dude how can you expect us to follow the law of your not doing it your damn self?! I'm not sure if I have any readers that are white, or of any other ethnicity. If I do, know that this is not an attack at your entire race, just as I know that all of you do not see us as thugs, people on welfare, ghetto etc. That man was a father, a brother, a cousin, a son, a nephew, an uncle, a person. That video of his son crying tears me up every time I see it. That child is now the man of the family, he's only 15! No child should have that burden thrown on him because two people that are "protectors" felt the need to take his father's life for their own "safety". His hands were up!!!! Alton Sterling, you may be of no relation to me, but you are my brother. I love you, and I pray that your soul rest easy, watch over your family. People of mine wake up and realize that all of them don't care about us. Appreciate the ones that do care for us. There's a war going on in our own homes. Prepare yourselves because it will only continue to get worse if we stay divided like this. We should not keep becoming a hashtag with the letters R.I.P following it. I highly recommend you watch the attached video. If listening to that song, and seeing that video does not reach you, or hit you hard then I don't know what to say for you.

#RestWellBrotherAlton #HisLifeMattered #BlackLivesMatter #SayHisName #HisFightIsOurFight

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