Not With My Sister

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Shad P.O.V.

Aila thinks I didn't see her sneak off from the V.I.P. lastnight, but I did. I know it seems like I'm being overprotective, but that's my baby sister. Even though I was always on tour I watched her grow up. I'm still trying to adjust to her being a young adult, instead of seeing her as that little girl that used to call me when I was between shows to help her with her homework. I never thought I'd see her in fitted clothes, or high heels I always thought she'd stay that little girl. In a way she was my daughter before Shai, she wasn't around me as much as we both would have liked, but she would call me for everything. Bullies, her body changing, anything she wanted to know she hit me up, but it was all over the phone so I could handle it a bit better. But to actually see that's she's grown up it's a lot for me to take in. I'll accept that my sister isn't a kid anymore, what I won't accept is one of my boys hugging all up on her. Especially if that boy is Chris I don't want his bad ways rubbing off on my sister in any type of way.

"Yo, you wanted me to come over?" I knew it was Chris. I sat on one of the benches on my basketball court.

"Yeah, take a seat." He sat next to me making sure there's a good amount of space between us.

"What's up bruh?"

"What was up with that pic of you and my sister?"

"You know how the media is they catch nothing, and make it something." He reasoned

"I hear that, but you didn't make it any better when you started flirting with her on Instagram tagging her in all that. And you didn't have to be all hugged up on her like that. I don't care if it was just a dance. Bruh that's my sister just like I don't want Shai exposed to all of that I don't want her in that light either."

"I got you bro, is that all?"

"Nope, keep your advances to yourself. Chris I know you, so I know you're attracted to my sister." He shrugged like he wasn't catching where I was going with this.

"Okay and?"

"In addition to me knowing how you are I know how are with chicks, and I'd appreciate you not trying to get with my sister."

He huffed out loudly in frustration.

"Shad, your sister is a grown ass woman now. She's not a little girl, so if she wants to risk it with me, who are you to tell me not to talk to her?" Just like that I was pissed all over again. I yanked him up.

"Just keep your heartbreaking ass away from my sister!" I shoved him going back in my house. He knew how to let himself out.

"Shad." I hear my name coming from the front door. I already know it's my sister.

"I'm in the kitchen Bug." I said using my childhood nickname for her. I could just hear her screwing her face up at me calling her that.

"Really Shad?" She asked a bit annoyed.

"Aye, just because you're not a baby anymore doesn't mean you're not my baby sister anymore. That name isn't going anywhere." She smirked rolling her eyes. She kissed my cheek before she sat down.

"Yeah yeah, anyway what's the plan today?" I dragged her to the family room, today we're gonna do something we haven't done in a while. Since Erica's out of town doing some appearances, and Shai's with her mom I figured this was the best time.

"Time to have a siblings weekend again." I held two controls in my hand. Her eyes lit up like they would when we were kids.

"So what I'm hearing is, you're ready to get your butt kicked in some video games?" She challenged. I laughed at her cockiness.

"Me, I'm gonna get my butt kicked?" I pointed at my self.

"No little one, you're gonna get your butt kicked." I pointed at her like I did when we were kids.

"Boy stop talking, and start playing." She took the control out of my hand. Oh let the games begin. See when Aila and I were kids, she'd spend the night at my house. So every weekend while my mom was at work we'd sit in front of the TV with our big bowls of cereal and watch cartoons. After that we'd play video games, then basketball. So that's exactly what we're gonna do today.

It was good having one of my old days with my sister. After all our fun she KO'd on the couch, too tired to make it back to her room. I tossed the throw blanket over her before heading upstairs. Chris better remember what I said about keeping his distance. I mean yeah, we're boys, and all that, but that's my sister. That's family, and anybody that knows me knows that that one thing I've never played about is my family. Besides my mom and Erica, Shai and Aila are the only thing I've got. So if my own homeboy thinks he can just walk in, and have my sister under his spell he better think again. It's not happening, not in this lifetime, not with my sister.

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