Secrets Between Sisters

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My heels lightly tapped the floor beneath me as I walked to my unassigned, assigned seat in the class. I wasn't too early for class, but I wasn't late either. My professor was just getting into her lecture. I take out my needed materials and start jotting down notes.

I kept my legs tightly crossed as I sat at one of the tables in the cafeteria. I wish I had stayed in my dorm because I was sick of these niggas gawking at me, but I was hungry and didn't feel like waiting until dinner at Shad's place. I quickly retrieved my food from the on campus burger joint and made my way out of the cafeteria.

" 'Scuse me?" A masculine voice called my attention.

"Can I help you?" I ask turning to the owner of the voice. He was a good looking guy, clean cut, low facial hair, and pearly white teeth.

"Yeah, I was wondering where you got that shirt from."

"Um I really don't know this is actually my boyfriend's shirt."

"Ohhhh, your boyfriend?" He smirks while clicking his tongue.

"That's why you out here like that?" He wiggled his perfectly arched brows.

"Like what?" I questioned becoming irritated with him.

"You got this short ass shirt on sporting it like it's a dress, a pair of heels that I know are killing your feet, and from the way that ass swangin' you ain't got no draws on either. Shorty, you on a walk of shame."

He moved towards me as I backed away from him.

"Nigga back up." I should have just took my ass to back to my dorm and binged on junk food. I really want to put my foot in his ass, but I just wanna get to my room.

"You ain't gotta be like that." I ignored him as I brushed past him to get out of here quickly. Why do these dudes have to be so ignorant? I'm definitely hiding out in my dorm now.

I miss my baby now let me see what he's up to. I click the FaceTime icon next to Jay's name.

"Hey baby

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"Hey baby." I smiled seeing him leaning against his red interior seat.

"You missing me already?" He smirked taking a pull from his blunt.

"Maybe." I teased him.

"Maybe? Nah, I need a real answer baby." He gave me the same look he gave me before he ate me out last night. I had to answer when he did that.

"Yes." I whined.

"I miss you too. How's school?"

"Same as always. Damnit this is Shad calling, he's probably here to pick me up I'll call you when I get back."

I rolled my eyes as I answered my brother's call.


"I'm outside." Was all he said. I grabbed the few things I would need and left my dorm.

I thought today was going to be a good day at my brother's place, it's anything but that right now. I sat in one of the extra rooms with the kids while my brother and Erica we're fighting. King clung to my arm while Shai sat in my lap shaking and crying. She doesn't like to hear people arguing. I know exactly where she got this trait from, me I used to hate when my mom and her boyfriend would argue. I didn't like hearing people yelling. Even though they weren't talking to me I always felt like it was somehow my fault. This argument was definitely my fault though. It got back to Shad that I was at a club last night and Erica covered for me saying that she knew where I was so it was okay. But that only made my brother more mad because she kept it from him.

I know exactly who told Shad about where I was and as soon as they get done arguing I'm gonna make good on my promise to show those messages. You wanna play then I'll play right with you. The kids had finally calmed down and they were now in bed asleep. Shad and Erica were apologizing to each other for the thousandth time.

"Hey Shad, I'm sorry about not telling you where I was going."

He motioned for me to sit next to him.

"It's okay, I have to realize that you ain't a baby no more. I shouldn't have spazzed out like that for real. You're young and in college you're supposed to be having fun."

"I know you were just worried about me, but I know why Chris told you I was there."

"How'd you know it was him?" He raised his brow at me.

"Because he saw me and threatened to tell that I was there."

I'm not gonna pull these text out just yet, but I'm definitely gonna keep them for receipts. But this nigga better realize who he's fucking with, my anger is twice as bad as Shad's. Ugh I wish Jayceon was here I just wanna lay under him. I should probably call my mom later on today. I haven't spoken to her since I've been down here. A knock on my door pulled me out of my thoughts. When I looked up I saw that it was Erica.

"Hey, can I come in?"

"Of course." I sat motioned for her to sit beside me.

"Everything okay with you guys?"

"Yeah, this is nothing Shad just thinks you should be in a box, while I think you should be living your life. You've given us a taste of what it's gonna be like to have a teenager." I giggled a bit.

"You have to tell him about you and Game."

"I will, but not right now. Erica can you please keep this between us?"

"I really wanna say no, but that face is too cute for me to say it." She sighed before kissing my cheek.

"Thank youuuuu!!" I squealed hugging her to my side.

"You've got three months Aila."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2018 ⏰

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