Purple Lovin' Nerd

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I laugh as I roll off of the bed in my dorm. I rest my phone between the crook of neck and my shoulder as I walk over to my dresser.

"You're funny, you know that right?" I giggle out to Jayceon on the other end of my phone.

"Not funny, maybe a little, but I just see what I like. But enough about me, how are your classes going?"

He calls me everyday when I'm done with all of my classes for the day. He's been doing that since I left California to come back to Atlanta. I'm not sure if this is part of him courting me, or not, but I'm not complaining. I think the phone calls are kind of sweet.

"They're going pretty well. I'm caught up on all of my work, my grades are at their highest. I'm good."

I could hear his smile as I talked about my grades.

"Good grades, that's what I wanna hear."

"How are the kids?"

"Well Cali misses you of course, and the boys are ready to meet this 'Miss Pretty Lady' that their sister keeps talking about."

I laugh at the name, Cali has been calling me that since we met. So I call her Cutie and she calls me Miss Pretty Lady.

"Speaking of that, you did explain to her mother that you let her meet me right? I don't want to step on any toes, or overstep my boundaries."

"Yeah I talked to her, you're good. She knows me, so she knows I wouldn't bring any of my kids around somebody unless I was really serious about them."

Good, the last thing I want is for the kid's moms to find out from the children that he had me around them without their mom's permission.

"Okay, Pretty Girl, there's a time difference between our locations so I know it's kinda late over there. I'm gonna let you get some sleep. Goodnight beautiful."

"Goodnight." I hung up tucking my phone in my pocket. Before getting back in my bed I set my clothes for class out, and get my overnight bag ready so I can go to my brother's house when my classes are over tomorrow.


Ugh it would rain today, time to change my outfit. After my body was completely dry from being in the shower I started putting my clothes on. I settled on a pair of sweatpants rolled at the waist, and a black tank top to go under my pull over. I snapped a quick picture of myself in the mirror. Meh I guess I'll post it.

Rain messed up my cute outfit idea 😳😩 #SweatpantsShawty

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Rain messed up my cute outfit idea 😳😩 #SweatpantsShawty

I slipped my Pink sweatshirt over my head, and grabbed my books by my bedroom door before heading out. Entering the building that held my lecture hall I rubbed the soles of my shoes against the carpet at the door. Of course that didn't help much because the squeak of my wet sneakers was still heard with each step I took. I sat in the middle row of my lecture hall. While my instructor droned on about nothing I got a text message.

Mr. Game: Don't hide ya face it's my favorite thing on you. As far as rain messing up you being cute that could never happen.

Me: Aren't you just a lil charmer?

Mr. Game: Nope nothing like that just taking my Pretty Girl out of her bad weather funk. 😉

I laughed inwardly at his silliness, he's so corny. But I like it, jeez what is he doing to me? I don't have another class until two so I guess I'll sit in the library to do some of my other work.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" Someone ask. I look up to see a girl about my age. I move my bag to my lap.

"No, go ahead."

"You're in my literature class aren't you?"

I study her face a bit more.

"You do take that class with me." I exclaim silently. She holds her hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Justice, nice to meet you." I shook her hand back as I introduced myself.

"I'm Aila, it's nice to meet you too." I turn back to doing my work, I wasn't trying to be rude. I've just never been much a socializer.

"You're not a people person are you?" I blush slightly.

"It's that easy to tell?" She giggles nodding.

"Don't worry I'm gonna get you out of that. I'm gonna be your first college buddy."

Justice and I chatted all the way to our class, she even sat next to me. Now we're in my dorm, she's nice. Maybe it won't hurt to have at least one friend while I'm here. I heard a knock at my door. When I went to answer it there was a man at my door holding the biggest bouquet I've ever seen. The whole arrangement was nothing but purple flowers. Even the vase in the box was purple.

I thanked the delivery guy before giving him a tip, but he stopped me saying he'd already been paid

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I thanked the delivery guy before giving him a tip, but he stopped me saying he'd already been paid.

"Girl who sent you these?" I shrugged not knowing the answer. I sat them on my night stand next to my bed. I pulled the card from its plastic holder.

Hey Pretty Girl, you said purple was your favorite color so I found every purple flower I could.
- Mistah J

I laughed as I read the note, I immediately knew who it was from. He remembered two important things I said.

"A friend of mines is trying to get back on my good side." I lied to Justice, hey I said I would try to make a friend, I didn't say I'd let her in my business.

"Are they back on your good side yet?" I admired the beautiful arrangement, and held the card in my hand.

"They're getting there." We laid out in my bed doing the work from our other classes. I think I'll text him first.

Me: Thanks for the flowers Mistah J 😁

Mr. Game: You're very welcome my lil Harley Quinn 😁

Me: I can't believe you remembered what I said about my favorite color or that Harley Quinn was one of my favorite female villains.

During one of our many phone conversations Jayceon asked me my favorite superhero growing up, originally it was Superman, but it became Batman as I grew up. I told him I was always a Harley Quinn fan though, before this big hype around the Suicide Squad movie, and now everybody suddenly loves her. Her and Joker were my favorite, I liked their relationship. Well not the abuse part of their relationship, the parts where he actually treats Harley like he gives a damn about her. Plus they have hot villain sex people! Who doesn't like hot villain sex?

Mr. Game: I mean I'm more of a Talia al Ghul fan myself. You can't get more evil than a shorty that had a baby with Batman and still left his ass.

Me: Okay you got a point. I see you know a lil something.

So he knows his comic book heroes, I can work with that. Of course he knows them, he's got two sons. But at least I don't feel like such a nerd for going in to detail about this stuff. Even if I was the only one that was into this I wouldn't care. 

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