V.1 CHP.3

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Ozpin:"Led by Cardin!"

Cheers erupt from the crowd.

Raiden:"*thought* That guy looks like an asshole."

Ozpin was assigning teams. Raiden smiled watching his friends get so excited. If he couldn't be a huntsman, he could always go back and help everyone back in the town. He smiled at the thought of Jericho making stuff with that big grin.

Ozpin:"Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Pyyra Nikos, Lie Ren!"

Jaune walks up nervous, while Pyyra comforts him. Raiden cheers for Jaune.

Ozpin:"You will form team JNPR! Led by... JAUNE ARC!"

Jaune looks surprised, but actually stands his ground when Pyyra smacks his back. They walk off and wait for the next team to be announced.

Ozpin:"Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long!"

The girls step up on the stage. Raiden cheered for them before seeing Blake blush and wave towards him.

Ozpin:"You will form team RWBY! Led by... RUBY ROSE!"

Ruby gets a hug from Yang looking happy, while Weiss was visibly upset.

Raiden:"*thought* Ozpin doesn't make mistakes... so why did he make Ruby team leader..."

Raiden starts to leave, but a large noise cause him to twitch.

Ozpin:"Raiden Leigong."

He flies up to the stage.

Raiden:"Up to publicly embarrass me for failing?"

Ozpin smiles.

Ozpin:"Of course not. In fact you should be highly congratulated."

Raiden gets a little confused.

Raiden:"And why's that? I failed didn't I?"
Ozpin:"The opposite. Due to your heritage and power set, as well as actions during the initiation... I would be a fool to not let you stay. So! I am giving you permission to make a team of your choosing a 5 huntsman team."

Raiden openly smiles as cheers erupt.

Raiden:"Sir... if it's alright with them, I'd like to be a part of team RWBY!"

Ruby rushes onto the stage wrapping her arms around him.

Ruby:"As team leader I accept!"

Raiden hears cheering from everywhere, while noticing the clouds were still black, but with a tinge of blue. He smiles as Blake runs up and hugs him. Looking him straight in the eyes.

Blake:"I told you."
Raiden:"Heh. I guess you did."

As the first day passes, Raiden spends his time with Blake as they both went out to get a tea.

Blake:"You like tea too?"
Raiden:"Yep. Jericho always made me make her a tea, so I got into it. I prefer French vanilla."
Blake:"No way! Me too!"

Blake and Raiden laugh a bit, before sitting down at a table. They both sweetly smiled at each other while drinking their drinks. Raiden was smiling with a wide open grin which made Blake squeal on the inside. Although she was attempting to keep her cool.

Raiden:"Crazy first day Eh?"

Blake mentally facepalmed.

Raiden:"Thanks for that pep talk. Before everything. It really helped. I'm glad to call you my teammate! No... that doesn't sound right... How about partner! Since I don't know the rest of your team very well."

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