V.2 CHP.4

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Raiden:"Whatever you do. Do not speak Sun. I get the feeling you piss people off easily."

Sun nods. The group was in front of a warehouse, a location that was sent to Raiden's phone.

Blake:"How did you know it was here?"
Raiden:"Not important."

Ignoring Blake (Which made her even more mad) they walked in the building. Spotlights turned on one by one in a row until it revealed Roman and Neo sitting on a couch.

Roman:"Good to see you. We have much to discuss! But first of all... did you like my entrance?"

Blake growled.

Blake:"We don't have time-"
Raiden:"It was pretty cool."
Sun:"Agreed. How much time did it take to set that up."

Roman stood up and laughed.

Roman:"You would not believe how many hours we spent in this room. Getting lighting to come up one by one in a row was so infuriating."

Roman stood up and signalled them to sit down. Blake stood by as Sun and Raiden sat.

Roman:"I'll cut to the chase. I want that bitch gone. She has done nothing but annoy me and limit me since she got here."
Raiden:"You mean Salem?"
Roman:"Yes and no. She's got an apprentice. And I hate her. She's been taking my resources. Forcing me to work with the white fang, she needs to go! I do not work with terrorists! No offense you two."
Raiden:"None taken."
Blake:"Adams branch is not white fang."

Roman snapped his fingers and Neo brought out a vial of some kind of red and black liquid.

Roman:"Get your buddy to experiment on this. We don't know what it is... but Salem wants it bad."

Raiden looked at the vial carefully.

Raiden:"This is blood... but those black particles in it... they look familiar."
Sun:"Like when a grim dies."

Everyone turns to him confused.

Sun:"You know? When a grim dies it gets turned into that dust. Those things look like those dust."

Everyone just stares wide eyed at him.

Sun:"Sorry I know it's probably stupid-"
Roman:"He might be on to something."
Raiden:"Agreed. And if we can identify who's blood this is, we have a lead to Salem."

Raiden pockets the vial.

Raiden:"Thank you Roman."
Roman:"Anytime. Just one thing."

Roman looked at him curiously.

Roman:"I'll keep Neo safe as long as I can, but that bitch is planning something big. If worst comes to worst, we are leaving. So we might not see each other again. So take this too."

Roman hands him a hat. It's very similar to his own.

Raiden:"A hat?"
Roman:"Trust me. That hat is very special. If you're ever in a rough position and need a little name to call on, wear that. There's only 2, and I have the other one."

He tips his hat towards Raiden.

Raiden:"I can't possibly keep this with me at all times."
Roman:"Oh don't worry, it shrinks."

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