Chapter 2: Meeting the Class

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Hinata's POV-

As I head out of the principal's office I started to go to my class, but before I had went out I had asked for a map of the school, and he had given me one so I said thank you and left to find my class.

As I knocked on the door and waited for the teacher to come I just stood there calmly and politely. As the teacher came out he said, "Oh, hello are you the new transfer student, if you are my name is Satoru Akio, it is nice to meet you." "Oh, and please call me Mr. Akio, that is what everybody calls me. Please just wait here for a second and I will call you in."

"Okay class I want you to be very welcoming to the new student we have today." I heard the teacher said. 

"OMG, what if THE Hinata Shoyo will be coming into our class for this year." a fem. student said.

"Maybe, maybe he will come to our class. I hope he could teach this class one day for this year though." a male student said. And more talking is going on.

As I was hearing those comments I finally heard Mr. John said, "Okay class let's all settle down, and let him come in the class. Mr. Hinata, you may come in now." 

And that was when I had went into the class and said with a smile, "Hello, my name is Hinata Shoyo, but you can call me Shoyo if you like."

I then heard Mr. John spoke up and said, "Okay does anyone have any question for Mr. Hinata if you do, raise your hand and he'll pick you, is that fine?" he said looking at me. 

As Mr. John said that everybody raised their hands very quickly, gazing their eyes at me. While I looked at Mr. John in shock and said, "It is fine." So I look back at the class and I chose a guy who looked like they had onion like hair. "Uhm, you with the onion type hair, sorry but could you tell me your name as well." said with a worried tone in case he offended the person.

As I said that he looked at me and stood up and said, "Hello my name is Kindaichi Yuutarou , and my question is why you chose to go to this school than other notorious/famous schools."

Kindaichi's POV-

As he said that, I stood there shock for a second since he asked me for my name and forgiveness for the name, but either way I stood up and answered his question. "Hello my name is Kindaichi Yuutarou, and my question is why you chose to go to this school than other notorious/famous schools." I said not wanting to sound a bit rude.

"Oh no, it is fine," Hinata said assuring him, "I went here because I looked up schools in the Miyagi prefecture to see what type of schools they had rather than a prestigious school in the district. Plus, I wanted too see some of my family members that live close by near this school and someone that I know that goes to this school."

Wow, I just stood there in shock along with other students with the answer he gave, but with an open heart since he missed his family members and he knows someone here.

Everybody in Class POV- 

"Wow, what a darling boy/sweetheart/generous boy he is." everyone thought while Hinata gives them a soft, warming smile. 

"Ahh, an angel I can't take this anymore. God, thank you for bringing us this wonderful person in our life." they thought with joyous, happy tears.

Meanwhile, Kunimi whose in the same class as them thought what was with the noises, due to which why he had woken up. 

Kunimi's POV-

"What is with all the noise in the classroom?!" looking irritated at everyone not noticing Hinata was there.

"Oh, ohayo Akira-san, good to see you, huh!" Hinata said in surprise to see him here.

Kunimi just looking shock, who took a moment to see who was talking to him. "Oh ohayo, Shoyo-san," said Kunimi who wasn't really paying attention but then said, "Wait Sho you're here in this school?!" sounding very surprised at the moment. 

While everybody (including Kindaichi) was shocked to know that Kunimi knew the famous Hinata Shoyo.

"Sho why didn't you call me that you were coming to school here!" looking very excited.

"Gomen, but I wanted it to be a surprise for you, but being in the same class as you kinda ruined it?!" Hinata said with a shock answer, gesturing his hands out while shrugging his shoulders.

Everybody in Class POV-

"Hold up/Wait a second/Come on now, Kunimi you know THE Hinata Shoyo for real?! Why didn't you tell us!" said everyone except the teacher and KuniHina.

"Well you didn't really ask about anything?" said Kunimi with his normal look.

Hinata chuckled, with an angel like voice and a sweet smile he said, "Akira don't be like that, they're our classmates, so respect them back peacefully." 

As Hinata said that, Kunimi sighed with a groan and said, "Fine! I'll treat them with respect because YOU said so." Making the 'YOU' known to everyone while throwing the fit to him.

Shocking everyone but then Kindaichi asked the question everyone was thinking, "Kunimi," said Kindaichi, "How do you know Hinata-san?" with a surprised look since he's known Kunimi since middle school. 

"Huh. Oh I've always known Sho since birth, since our parents are friends." said Kunimi in a shocked voice with the question his bestfriend gave to him.

After all the questions were answered the bell rang and everyone went to different direction for sports or to go home.


Sorry for not writing for a long time I guess I forgot that I made this story for a while. 

Published: 2.18.22

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