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(Peter POV)

I groaned in frustration as the alarm clock blared, waking me from a fitful sleep. I tried to hit the snooze button, only to remember Tony had removed it in an attempt to get me awake on time. Without a second thought, I picked it up and chucked it across the room, where it shattered against the wall. I closed my eyes, unwilling to make the effort of climbing out of bed. I didn't want to go to school, but I'd made a promise to Tony that I would go at least three times a week. And I wanted to get it over with already, so I usually went Mondays and Fridays, so I could get any work I needed to finish from the week and turn it in the next week. It was Monday, so it was the first day of torture. Just as I was beginning to drift back to sleep, my door slammed open.

"Kid, wake the hell up!" Tony shouted, making me flinch from the loud noise. I pressed my head deeper into his pillow, ignoring his rant about how I needed to wake up.

I muttered something that sounded like, "Go away," And closed my eyes again. Tony paused, thinking.

"Wake up or I challenge you to a prank war. And this time I'm getting Nat involved." He threatened.

"I'm up!" I shot out of bed, staring wide-eyed at Tony. He snickered and left the room, shouting over his shoulder.

"Clint ate the last pancake!" His words made me sigh, blinking the last of the sleep out of my eyes. I pulled a random t-shirt and jeans from my closet, putting them on and making an attempt at fixing my hair. I gave up, leaving it sticking up, but not without noticing the bags under my eyes in the mirror. I grabbed my backpack, swinging it over my shoulder and walking into the main room of Avengers Tower. I was greeted by the sight of Clint standing on top of the table with a plate, stacked high with pancakes, while Bucky and Sam tried to take it from him. Loki and Nat were watching with amused expressions, waving to me when I walked in. I didn't feel like waving back, instead dodging the hurried feet of the three on the counter to grab an apple from the bowl of fruit nobody else touched. I took a bite and sat down on the couch beside Loki, who became a snake and slithered up my arm. He sometimes came with me to school when I was particularly miserable, which had quite a few benefits for both of us. He kept Flash away, in turn keeping him from bullying me, and he liked seeing everyone's terrified glances toward the venomous snake casually coiled around my arm or neck. He had yet to bite anyone, but I knew he would in a heartbeat if anyone so much as looked at me wrong. I finished my apple, throwing the core in the trash from across the room.

"Bye." I muttered, before walking out of the door. I put in my earbuds, the music quiet enough for me to hear everything around me. I didn't pay attention most of the time, letting my spider-sense warn me whenever something was getting in my way. I wove mindlessly through the crowded sidewalks, not looking closely at anyone near me. I made it to school pretty quickly, the crowd parting around the weird kid with a coral snake on his arm. I made it to my first class, a part of me surprised that my Parker luck had held out so far. It continued throughout the day, with Loki squeezing tighter around my arm whenever the teacher was about to call on me. I answered the questions and drifted off again, catching some much needed sleep while they lectured about things I already knew. Everyone avoided me, not wanting to get close to the snake that seemed to stare right at them. My luck held out until, inevitably, it failed.

"Class, I have an announcement." Mr. Herrington shouted. "On Friday, we have a field trip courtesy of our Decathlon team's victory."

"You're welcome everybody!" Flash shouted, earning a withering glare from Loki.

"We are going on a three day field trip to none other than," He paused, unaware that his next words would ruin me. "Stark Tower!" Cheers erupted, and Ned began to ramble about how awesome it would be to meet the Avengers.

"You do realize you could meet them anytime, right?" I grumbled to him under my breath. He didn't seem to hear me, lost in how epic it would be to meet them. I felt something on my neck, and remembered Loki had been listening the whole time. Well, there was no getting out of it now. I groaned and slammed my head against the desk, muttering to myself, "Why me?" Loki's grip on me disappeared, likely off to go tell the others about their new opportunity to embarass me. Nobody seemed to notice, instead acting like he hadn't been there in the first place. The bell rang, starting the stampede of everyone trying to get out of the door at the same time.

"Well well, Penis Parker." Flash snickered. "Looks like your little lie is about to be uncovered. Why would they even consider you? Why would they want you, when they could have me?" I tuned him out while he ranted about how much better he was than me, until my Spidey Senses alerted me of something coming at my face. I didn't move, instead reacting like anyone else would when Flash's fist met my face. The coppery tang of blood filled my mouth as it flooded from my nose. I didn't bother stopping it, it'd be healed soon enough.

"Poor, Pathetic, Penis Parker." Flash scoffed. I stayed silent, knowing that if I fought back I'd win, but he'd only move on to tormenting someone else. Someone who couldn't take it.

"Whatever, Flash." I muttered, standing once he'd left. The blood stopped flowing, my broken nose correcting itself. I sighed, grabbing my things and walking quickly to get back to the tower. I was terrified the Avengers & Co. would kill Flash if they saw him bullying me, but again, he'd just torment someone else.

Peter Parker Field TripWhere stories live. Discover now