The Part that Makes me Want to Commit Murder

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"Hey, Parker! Show me where it is, will ya?" He shouted, heading in the wrong direction.

"It's this way, Flash!" I called out, pointing down the opposite direction of our classmates.

"Can you just come with me? I'd get hopelessly lost in these hallways." He smiled sweetly. Harley's grip around my waist tightened a bit, before I pulled away from him in the direction of the bathrooms. I led Flash to them, content with waiting outside, but he had other plans. He grabbed my collar, shoving me through the door roughly. He kneed me in the stomach, shoving me backward so I fell onto the ground. He began kicking, stomping, and punching me as hard as he could. I was glad one of my ribs didn't break, most of the kicks leading to only bruises. At least he was smart enough to target my torso and legs, so nobody would see them. When he was finished beating me up, he started talking.

"Such a little bitch, Penis. Y'know it's your fault, right? Your parents, Ben, May. Everyone you love dies, you'd be better off dead before you get anyone else hurt. Oh, I can see it now. The celebrations that your miserable existence is over, the happiness as Stark finally gets the intern he wanted, me. Your little boyfriend gloating about how he got you to believe he actually liked you. You're nothing more than a lying, annoying bitch. Puny Penis Parker, just another little toy for the Avengers, but let me ask you this." He knelt down next to me, growling in my ear. "How long until they realize just how worthless you are, and throw you away?" 

I knew he was just saying things to upset me, but as he turned and left with a smug look on his face, I began to believe him. Did Harley actually like me? I knew I didn't deserve him. Was it my fault that my family was dead? Probably, they only died because I'm Spiderman. Was I just a toy for the Avengers? Is that why they treated me so well? They only wanted to see how long I would last, before I realized how worthless I was. God, I felt so alone. But, I guess, I was always alone. I just never knew. But now it seemed so blatantly obvious. And Flash was right, he would make a better intern than me. If I was dumb enough not to see this, then I didn't deserve the internship, or the name Spiderman. I wasn't a hero, I was nothing more than a kid who got in the way no matter how hard he tried.

"Stop." I muttered. I shook my head, unwilling to let Flash's words get to me. I plastered on a fake smile, wiping the stray tears off of my face. My bruises were already healing, and they weren't hurting anymore. All that was left were small red marks dotting my skin, not that noticeable. Of course, I lived with more than one spy, so they'd probably catch on. I took a deep breath, pushing out of the bathroom and jogging quickly towards the gym. 

I found Steve, Nat and Bucky sparring, with their weapons. Bucky slammed his metal arm into Steve's shield, while Nat went for Steve's unprotected back and leapt on, wrapping her legs around his waist while her Widow's Bite shocked him lightly on the neck. The two of them stepped away momentarily, while a defeated Steve backed off to let the two reigning champions of the ring fight. Bucky went in for a punch, but Nat only dodged, grabbing his arm and swinging up and over his head. Bucky dropped, rolling on the ground to dislodge her. She jumped back up, just in time to dodge another hit from her opponent. He managed to get a few hits on her, and her on him. Eventually, Bucky got Nat's arms pinned behind her while she was flat on the floor. They were hardly panting, I knew they were putting on a show for the students they pretended not to notice. Rather than tapping out, Nat waited for Bucky to relax a bit before kicking out her legs, sending Bucky to the floor. He let go in surprise, letting her stand up and start the fight again. Eventually, Nat came out on top when she managed to kick Bucky's arm clean off. He frowned.

"Cheater!" He whined. She just shook her head and laughed quietly, before turning to address the students.

"That, kiddos, was a demonstration. Now, we're going to teach you guys how to do some things you can't tell your school about, otherwise we might get sued." She said the last part in a half-joking manner that made some students laugh nervously.

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