The Beginning

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 I stepped out of the car, waving goodbye to Happy. The big yellow bus was sitting in front of the school, with a big group of students in front of it. Ned waved to me excitedly, while MJ smiled over the edge of her book. I smiled, until I collided with a wall of flesh. Flash grinned down at me menacingly, a look of triumph in his eyes.

"Hey, get a look at our chaperone." He pointed to the bus, where his uncle was standing with a clipboard in hand and a scowl etched on his face. I gulped, knowing that there would be nothing to deter him from being awful on the trip. His uncle spotted me and began to walk over. I swallowed nervously as he stared at me, eyes narrowed.

"I don't appreciate liars, boy. Come clean now, and this trip will be fun for everyone. Otherwise, you'll have very little fun." He explained. I fidgeted with my bracelet.

"What do you mean?" I asked, cursing my voice for the way it shook.

"The internship, what else?" Flash snickered. "I told you he wasn't the brightest."

"You were right, as always." His uncle agreed. He turned back to me, "Now, if you don't come clean, you'll just embarrass yourself."

"Look, Sir. i don't know what you mean-"

"You know exactly what I mean!" He shouted, drawing some of the attention from the other students. They began to crowd around us, stopping the view from anyone around that would help me.

"C'mon, Penis! Tell them the truth!" Flash jeered, shoving me. I let him knock me to the ground. Kick me as he demanded I tell the truth. Little did they know, I was lying about the internship. But the secret it hid was much bigger than they thought. I waited until the bus driver shouted to board, before I stood shakily, holding my side where they kicked me. Yesterday, I got hit in the same spot by a knife, and it was still healing. I took a deep breath, limping over to the bus and finding a seat with Ned and MJ. They sat on either side of me, forming a barrier from Flash and the others. Mr. Thomson kept giving me dirty looks, and Flash had a smug look the whole time. I shrank down in my seat as we crossed the same route to the one I used this morning, the tower rising in the distance.

"Prepare to be exposed Penis!" Flash shouted as the bus stopped in front of the building. He was the first one out, followed by a stampede of kids trying to get in the lobby. MJ, Ned and I took our time, knowing they wouldn't get far without security passes. They stood at the entrance to the lobby, gawking at the expense of the decor. MJ grabbed her people-in-crisis journal, beginning to sketch some people in the pages. I caught a glimpse of one of the interns walking up to us. Unfortunately, I recognized her as Lilah, one of the interns that sometimes asked me for help in figuring out codes for new projects. I pulled out my Stark glasses, using the tech to recognize everyone who worked there.

"Hello, are you here for the tour?" She smiled kindly at Mr. Thompson.

"Yes, we are. You are our guide?" He looked at her.

"I am, my name's Lilah." She scanned over the group, her eyes stopping on me. I shook my head quickly, silently begging for her not to say anything. She obliged, turning back to Mr. Thompson. "You'll need your tour passes. Now, fair warning, you will not be able to use these after the tour, so don't try. There are many levels for the passes, based on how much clearance you have. You will have plain white passes, the level reserved for one-time guests. You will only get one, so please do not lose it. Any questions?"

"What are the levels?" Someone asked.

"Good question. The Omega 1 passes are the ones you have, Omega 2 is for family and friends of interns that visit often and newer interns, Omega 4 is for most interns, Omega 5 is for a few higher-level interns. Alpha 1 is for Mr. Stark's personal visitors, Alpha 2 is for personal friends of Mr. Stark, Alpha 3 is lower level avengers and their hero friends like the Falcon and Ant-man, Alpha 4 is for the Avengers, and Alpha 5 is the all-access level for Mr. Stark's family and a few select individuals." She explained. "I am an Omega 5 myself, so I have access to some of the more advanced labs." She picked up a box of white cards on lanyards and began handing them out to each person.

"Are all of them different colors?" Another kid asked.

"Yes, Omega 1 is white, Omega 2 is green, Omega 3 is purple, Omega 4 is blue, Omega 5 is yellow, Alpha one is blue and green, Alpha 2 is blue and red, Alpha 3 is red and green, Alpha 4 is red and white, Alpha 5 is red and gold." She explained.

"Do you know Parker?" Someone shouted. She scanned the crowd, giving him an apologetic look.

"Yes, I do know Peter." She stated, as Peter noticed Flash's face turning red with frustration. He glared at me, staying back as the rest of the group moved on to tour the lobby.

"How the hell'd you get her to agree to that!" He growled, "What kind of 'favors' did you-"

I cut him off as I spotted someone over his shoulder. "Flash, this is gonna sound really weird, but I need you to laugh and smile with me in a moment, k?"

"What do you mean?" He demanded. I noticed the person walking closer, his shield glinting over his back.

"Now." I whispered, letting out a loud laugh and grinning widely. Thankfully, Flash followed my lead and let out a loud laugh. Right as Steve got to us, chuckling. I caught his eyes, and they were suspicious. Steve could tell the laugh was fake, Flash wasn't nearly as good as me at fake smiling.

"Hey, Peter!" He waved anyway, "This one of your friends?"

"Yeah! St-Captain, this is Flash!" I grinned, watching as they shook hands. Flash looked ready to melt with awe, as he struggled to speak.

"IS THAT CAPTAIN AMERICA?" Someone shouted, causing the entire class to race over to the hero, begging him to sign their bookbags, clothes, and even a kid's forehead.

"Alright, that's enough!" Liliah called out, trying to get control of the class once again.

"SHUT IT, NERDS!" MJ yelled, getting everyone's attention.

"Thank you, MJ." Liliah smiled. "Oh, and Pepper wanted to talk to you later. Something about Wanda and Nat." MJ's eyes practically glowed, while I took a quick picture of Flash's face for her crisis notebook. I had a feeling she would have a lot of new entries by the time this trip was over.

"Well, Captain, I guess that means goodbye for now!" Liliah smiled cheerily.

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