The Part that Made me Cry

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Peter was hurting. His knuckles were split and bleeding, but he kept punching the bag. It moved wildly, swinging away from Peter's bare hands. Blood dripped from his injured hands, and his shirt was slick with sweat from the effort of working out for hours without a break. The last spiderman suit left was sitting in the corner. It was the original one, now partially shredded by the knife next to it. The red fabric was frayed, one of the goggles smashed. Peter himself was dehydrated, almost to the point of collapsing, but he refused to stop, instead throwing a harsh punch whenever a thought came to his mind. Safe to say, he punched a lot.
















Each word was followed by another strike, until the punching bag broke, spilling sand across the floor as it went flying. Images flashed through his mind, each one worse than the last. He fell into a crouch, not bothering to clean up the sand. He'd only mess that up too. Just like he messed up when he couldn't save Uncle Ben. Or Aunt May. and when he needed Cap to help him in the Final Battle. He couldn't even go to school without being a worthless piece of shit, why should he be considered anything else at home? Did he even have a home? He had the tower, but if everyone hated him, then was it really his home? He stood, deciding on what he had to do. He donned the last suit left, the one he made himself, void of any tech besides his own. He stared out the large window that took up an entire wall. He backpedaled, before he took a running start.

And jumped.

-POV switch to the Avengers 3rd person-

"FRIDAY, is Peter on his floor?" Tony asked.

"Not anymore." She answered.

"Where is he?" Harley asked hopefully, was he coming back down?

"He is out of my range." FRIDAY answered, a hint of panic in her robotic voice. That could only mean one thing.

"He left? But how?"

"FRIDAY, are we allowed on the floor now?" Tony asked. In answer, the elevator opened. Nat, Tony, Pepper, and Harley were the only ones who got in before it closed. They moved up the building at an alarming pace, their speed betraying FRIDAY's worry for the boy. None of them noticed a missing God of Mischief, who knew exactly where the boy was. (On a completely unrelated note, a green snake was spotted slithering out of the tower, startling many pedestrians, including the students who had been dismissed from their once-in-a-lifetime field trip.) They reached the floor after a while, all clamoring to get into the trashed room. They froze when they saw the scene in front of them. A fireplace, housing the charred remains of the Spiderman suits. A kitchen, knives stuck into the counter at odd angles and broken dishes scattered across the floor. A lab, with most of the projects partially or completely destroyed. A gym, with blood staining the floor where a punching bag used to hang, but was now spilling its contents on the other side of the room. And a lounge, where one of them cried out at the sight of the window.

Completely shattered, from the inside.

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