Boyfriend to the Rescue

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"What the hell, Penis?" Flash glared. "What was that?"

"Uh, it's called helping? You should try it out sometime." MJ snarked from beside me. He glared harder at me, now on the level of Thor when someone eats his last poptart.

"I swear, you must've bribed them or something-"

"Weren't you telling me how incredibly poor I was just the other day?" I asked.

"Whatever, Penis." He turned, muttering just loud enough for me to hear. "Wonder how many dicks he had to suck to get them to agree." I was about to talk, when MJ spoke again.

"What's wrong? Jealous Parker's got girls and guys lining up for him?" She challenged. Flash laughed, while I slapped a hand over MJ's mouth.

"What the hell do you-" He was cut off by a familiar Tennessee accent.

"Howdy, Darlin'!" Harley waved with two fingers as he pushed through the crowd of girls (and more than a few boys) swarming him. He flipped his head to the side, tossing his bangs out of his face. He walked right up to me, pecking me on the cheek before wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Hey, Harls." I grinned, looking up at him. He blew air in my face, making me frown and swat at him. He laughed, his accent getting stronger when he chuckled. Flash just glared and whirled around, stomping off to his posse of popular kids. A few of them gave me dirty looks, but Harley's presence by my side dominated my attention.

"Hey, Harley!" Liliah grinned. "What are you doing here?"

"It's simple, really. Mrs. Potts arranged for a couple of detours along the tour, and gave me the new destinations. If it's no trouble, I can take the tour from here. Pete can always help with the labs and stuff, if we need it." He explained, getting a nod from her.

"Of course! I'd be happy to let you take over." She left, seemingly glad to be relieved of tour duty.

"Oh! MJ, is it?" Harley held out a hand. "I'm Harley, Pete's boyfriend."

"I know. He talks about you." She shot me an annoyed look, "Nonstop."

"Aww, you talk about me?" He grinned, tousling my hair. I swatted his hand away, ducking out of his grasp.

"Watch it." I warned, "I will take away cuddle privileges." He pouted.

"Noooo." He whined. I grinned, unable to stay mad at him.

"Alright, lovebirds wrap it up." MJ grumbled.

"Shuri's coming." Harley said, causing her to perk up visibly.

"When?" She demanded.

He held up his hands, "At the end of the tour."

"ALRIGHT NERDS GET A MOVE ON!" She shouted, shoving us forward. We laughed, Harley bringing me to the front of the group. We passed by a few more floors before the next visit. It started out as a quiet scratching sound above us, but got loud enough to begin annoying me.

"I know you're there!" I shouted up at the ceiling. I got more than a few weird looks. "I can hear you!"

"What, is Parker hearing things now?" Flash snickered. Harley shot a dark glare at him, making him shut up quickly.

"Give it five seconds." I muttered, hearing a curse and a bang, before Clint popped out of the vents.

"Why'd you have to give me away?" He whined.

"It's not like you were being subtle." I shrugged.

"Curse you Spidey senses." He grumbled quietly. A few kids spotted him and he was instantly swarmed with fans. He grinned and signed everything while hanging upside-down out of a vent.

"Hawkeye, are you secretly Spiderman or something?" Someone asked, referring to how he was hanging upside down. Clint laughed.

"No, I just do this a lot, so you get used to it. Although he's a good friend of mine." He shot me a teasing glance.

"Would you like to join the tour?" Harley offered.

"Sure, where y'all heading?" He asked.

"Up to the main floor eventually." Harley smirked.

Clint grinned back, "Oh, this'll be fun."

"What are they doing up there?" I asked nervously. Clint only grinned wider.

"You'll see." He climbed back into the vent, following after us as we moved along. I narrowed my eyes.

"FRIDAY, activate Bird in the Vents protocol." There was a thump and a yelp above us.

"CURSE YOU PETER!" Clint shouted from the vents. He scuffled around a bit before dropping down, rubbing his forehead.

"It was da-Mr. Stark's idea!" I corrected myself midway through the sentence. Clint caught it, but I shook my head slightly to discourage him from mentioning it.

"Whatever, you're a mini-stark anyway." He grumbled, turning to the students. "Now, everyone. You can either call me Hawkeye or Clint, over the next two days, you'll be spending time with the Avengers themselves, starting with a Q&A upstairs. There are, however, a few more spots that need to be visited before that. To the gym!" He pointed forwards, grinning as the students followed eagerly. Harley and I stayed at the back, while Flash announced he was heading off to the bathroom.

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