A Message from a Mentor

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"Sorry, kid." Steve whispered to me, "Tony has us in shifts."

"Wonderful." I grumbled. Steve smirked and cleared his throat.

"Actually, I thought I should join the tour for a bit!" His announcement was met by cheers and whoops of excitement from the room, earning us more than a few glares from the others in the lobby. Liliah only smiled, walking us over to the airport-style security checkpoints that we had to walk through to get to the elevators. Everyone began pulling off their shoes and backpacks, placing them in bins to go through the checkpoints. As Ned and MJ began tying their shoes, Steve stopped them, handing each of them a new card.

"Tony put you in the system. You're fine to just walk through." He explained, walking right through to demonstrate.

"Steve Rodgers. Alpha 4. Welcome back, Captain." FRIDAY announced, shocking half of the kids. Ned tried it first, simply scanning his card and walking through.

"Edward Leeds. Alpha 3. Welcome, Ned." FRIDAY announced. MJ went next, getting a similar response.

"Michelle Jones. Alpha 4. Welcome, MJ. Mrs. Potts, Miss Maximoff, and Miss Romanoff want to see you after the tour." MJ grinned widely as she walked through. I snapped another picture of Flash's face for her. Then I was pushed through, with complaints that I was holding up the line. I froze as FRIDAY announced.

"Peter Parker. Alpha 5. Welcome back, Peter! I've let Boss know you're here." FRIDAY announced cheerily.

"Hey, Fri. that's not necessary." I muttered, barely audible over Flash's shout.

"What the HELL Penis!" He screamed, apparently wanting to die today. I watched as Steve froze, turning slowly.

"What did you call him?" He asked, his voice scarily calm. Flash froze, not answering.

I butted in, "It's a joke! He's just teasing because I didn't tell him about Mr. Stark promoting me!" The lie slipped easily from my mouth. Contrary to their beliefs, I was actually a pretty good liar. Loki taught me well, not even he could see through them.

"Well, mind your language, son." Steve frowned, although he relaxed slightly. Flash seemed to get the point and nodded hastily, not wanting to be on the soldier's bad side.

"Alright, who's next!" Liliah changed the subject quickly, directing the students through the security check and continuing to the Hall of Armor. There, every single Ironman suit was displayed, with specific facts on each one written out on a plaque beside it. I walked through, not noticing the one at the very end.

"Peter! C'mere!" Ned shouted, drawing my attention. He was standing at the end of the hallway, under a sign that read "A Truly Special Hero" in large, glowing letters. My face pinked as I spotted the Iron Spider suit on display, with a small plaque beside it. It read:

"As many people know, Spiderman is not an official Avenger. The relatively unknown reason for this is, in short, because he's an exceptionally good person. Rather than dedicate his life to saving the world, he decided to remain, in his own words, "your friendly neighborhood spiderman". The Iron Spider suit was made for him and was used when aliens attacked Manhattan in search of Doctor Strange and the Time Stone, when SPiderman bravely refused to return to Earth, instead fighting for his home like a true hero, only to perish in the snap later on. In the Final Battle, the Iron Spider was used to defend the Infinity Gauntlet while hordes of aliens attacked the hero. Spiderman kept fighting, preferring to keep his friends safe instead of leaving for Earth and safety. But, after the battle was won, he turned down a spot in the Avengers so he could continue helping everyday people on smaller, but just as important levels. That is what makes him, among few others, a true hero."

-Anthony E. Stark, A.K.A Ironman

My mouth dropped open, my eyes burning with tears. I couldn't believe Tony had said all of that, about me, nonetheless.

"You like it, Pete?" Steve whispered from behind me. I nodded, unable to talk. "Well, hate to burst your bubble, but my shift is almost up." My face fell. I turned to him with a devastated expression, making him chuckle.

"Can you tell me who's next?" I asked, knowing the answer would be no.

"I can tell you that Tony's last." He smirked, before raising his voice. "And on that note, I'm afraid I must leave for now." Many kids began whining and complaining, but he simply waved goodbye and left. I sighed in relief, hoping to have at least a small break before I had to deal with the next member of my family coming along to embarrass me. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be embarrassment that would torment me for the next while.

"Hey! Penis!" Flash growled, walking up to me. "What the hell was all that?"

"Uh, what do you mean?" I asked, my hands refusing to stop shaking.

"Don't play dumb!" His uncle growled, crossing his arms. "We don't like liars."

"Just admit the internship is a fake, and we'll move on." Flash sneered.

"But it's not-" I started, only for Mr. Thompson to cut me off.

"Kid, I'm afraid we're going to have to suspend you for a couple of days. Even now, you're clearly lying. Why would they take you as an intern?" I was saved from breaking down in front of them by Liliah announcing we were moving on to one of the labs, where we had a special guest waiting for us. When we got there, a familiar doctor greeted us.

"Hey, guys! We have a special challenge for you guys today." Bruce grinned. "We have a new design for Captain America's shield here, and we're going to let some of the students try it out." He held up the shield, which looked small in his large, green hands. The kids began to line up excitedly, each wanting to be the first ones to hold the famous shield. I hung back, since I was actually one of the ones who was working on the project.

"Hey! Peter!" An intern called out to me from a computer. I walked over, not noticing that a bunch of the kids were watching. "Can you help with this? The web fluid isn't activating." I scanned over the list and quickly found the issue.

"The vibranium enhancements need to be bonded with the fluid before it becomes the actual web. And the equation isn't balanced, you need a few more of those." I pointed to various spots on the screen making her grin as she fixed it.

"Thanks, Pete. You're a lifesaver." She turned back to her work, leaving me with a large group of students gawking at me. Bruce smiled, thanking the class but shooing them out so the interns could continue working. Flash approached me first, the look of anger on his face rivaling that of Clint when someone messes with his arrows. In other words: bad.

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