Pillow Fights and Hamilton

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"Well, Peter. I heard you have a field trip coming up." Tony smirked.

"Yeah, wanna tell us about it?" Natasha grinned, making me groan.

"I'm gonna eat in my room." I grabbed my plate and walked to my room, locking the door before any of them could follow.

"FRIDAY, don't let them in." I ordered, sitting on my bed. I picked at the pizza on my plate, not eating much more than a couple bites. The door opened.

"FRIDAY," I warned.

"I didn't let him in, Peter." She said in her odd robot-y accent.

"Petey, you should know I can pick locks." My boyfriend said, walking up to me.

I sighed, "Hey, Harley."

"Why the long face? You look like Bucky when Nat cheats in a fight." He laughed, snatching a piece of pizza off my plate. He put it down when he realized I wasn't smiling. "What's wrong, Petey?"

"I have a field trip on Friday." I grumbled, rubbing my eyes with the heels of my palms.

"Careful, don't web your eyes shut again." Harley joked, making me frown at the memory. "And why is that making you so upset?"

"It's three days long." I sighed. He waited for me to elaborate. "Three days in Stark Tower." Harley looked at me for a moment, before grinning.

"Yeah! Can I finally meet your friends?" His eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store, as he bounced up and down on the bed.

"MJ might kill you, but sure." I grinned, it was hard to stay serious when he was jumping up and down on my bed.

"But you said she was nice!" He whined, falling so he was sitting criss-cross-applesauce on the bed. He pouted, making me laugh. He responded by chucking a pillow at my face, which I caught. I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, it's on." I grinned. Harley whooped loudly, making me laugh.

"PILLOW FIGHT!" He screeched, grabbing a pillow in either hand and chucking them at me. I dodged, throwing the pillow at him with such force he fell backwards. I heard pounding footsteps, and was pelted with pillows from behind, faster than I could dodge. I yelped, jumping behind a chair as Nat, Tony, Bucky, and Thor ran into the room. Clint was probably in the vents, evident from the random pillows falling from the ceiling. I jumped up, sticking to the ceiling. Clint popped out of the vent beside me, throwing a pillow. I caught it and snatched his hand, yanking him out of the vent. He yelped as he fell a short distance to my bed, feigning offense.

"I've been BETRAYED!" He put a hand over his forehead dramatically and fell backward, only to be hit in the stomach by Thor. I was next, knocked from the ceiling with a throw from Steeb. Somehow, we ended up in the living room with several couches overturned and enough pillows to build a full-sized house. There were multiple closets around the Avengers' floors filled with pillows for this exact purpose, so we had plenty. You'd be surprised at how many pillow fights we got into, it was becoming a regular occurrence in the tower. Tony even made inventions solely for the purpose of winning them, like the pillow launcher, similar to a rocket launcher but for pillows, that he was now firing at everyone. Steve had a pillow that he was using like his shield, blocking Nat's attacks and swiping at her head. She ducked and hit his knees, making him topple to the ground. She was about to smack him again, when the elevator dinged. Everyone froze, pillows falling mid-throw as Pepper Potts walked into the room on uncomfortable-looking heels. She kicked them off her feet, not seeming to notice us for a moment.

"Tony, you need to organize a meeting with-" She cut herself off, looking up at the chaos she'd interrupted. "What the hell?"

"Hey, Pep." Tony waved guiltily.

"Anthony Edward Stark, you'd better get this clean by the time I'm out of the shower, or else." She let the threat hang there, walking in the direction of her room, which was soundproofed so she didn't have to listen to us fighting all the time. Wanda leapt into action first, her and Pietro having joined us midway through the war. She used tendrils of red magic to turn the couches upright, while Pietro ran around collecting pillows. Nat began helping, while Steve and Bucky began on the kitchen. Clint helped Harley, Thor, Loki, and I clean up the random feathers scattered around from exploded pillows, as well as the rest of the room. By the time Pepper emerged from her room, wearing more comfortable clothes this time, the whole area was spotless.

"Alright, who started it?" She sat on one of the couches beside Tony. Everyone pointed at Harley.

"In my defense, it was funny." He pointed out. Pepper frowned.

"Well, you got that right. But next time try not to destroy the place. And I'm confiscating your pillow weapons, Tony." She grabbed the remote, "What movie?"

"Hamilton?" Someone suggested.

"Why not." She selected the movie, pausing it so we could get popcorn. Steve handed out theater-style buckets of the stuff, before sitting down for Pepper to start the movie. We ended up watching it twice, just so Harley could drag all of us up there at least once to sing a song. He wanted to recreate the songs, with Tony as Angelica, and a begrudging Bucky as Peggy. Steve was Hamilton, Pietro was Hercules Mulligan, Wanda didn't know what was happening, I was Aaron Burr, Loki was Lafayette, Jefferson, and Philip, and Harley was basically everyone else. Pepper and I sat it out, preferring to watch as they recreated "the Schuyler Sisters", "Aaron Burr, Sir", "the Room Where it Happened", and a few others. I was unable to control my laughter when Loki sang his part for Lafayette, or when Tony dragged Bucky around as Angelica and Peggy. Nat was Eliza, but just gave them a death glare when they tried to get her to sing. By the time the movie finished for a second time, we all collapsed in heaps of laughter. I felt better, and bid everyone goodnight. I was intent on getting a good night's sleep, for once, but my brain had other plans.

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