Training Day

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I woke up from a pillow to the face. Which was odd, once I realized I was on the ceiling. I looked down for my assailant, and found Nat staring back at me.

"Tuesday is training day!" She grinned.

"Yeah, and so are Wednesday and Thursday." I retorted, pushing off the ceiling to land on my bed. It was engineered for me, so that it wouldn't break if I fell from the ceiling in the middle of the night. I buried my head in a pillow, only to be dragged out of bed by my ankle.

"Wake the hell up or prank war." She said, making me sit up groggily.

"That wouldn't even be fair," I whined.

"Neither is having to get up early, and yet here we are." She grumbled. She was more of a night owl like me, so she hated getting up early.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Didn't Tony give you a clock?" She glanced at my bedside table. I pointed to the mess of clock parts beside my wall. "Oh, it's 6:30."

"Why did Tony ask you to wake me up?" I stood up, stretching.

"You woke all of us up with your screaming." She raised an eyebrow, while I flinched.

"Sorry." I started over to the bathroom, brushing my teeth quickly.

"Happens to all of us, kid. Comes with the job." She shrugged one shoulder, walking out of the room. I changed into my Stark Industries shit, and a pair of sweatpants. I twisted my metal bracelets. If I spun the hidden dial on the inside, then they expanded into my web shooters. They could also become a nanotech suit, similar to the iron spider, in an emergency. I walked to the gym, one of the biggest rooms in the tower, to find everyone else already up and started. Steve was beating the crap out of a punching bag, while Bucky was spinning weights in his metal hand to help with control. Nat had headphones on and was shooting in the target range, which was a separate room and soundproofed for the safety of our ears. Clint used it with his bow, too. Wanda was lifting weights with her magic, spinning them around in intricate patterns to test her focus. Pietro was attempting to run over water, succeeding until he lost focus and fell in. Tony was in the target room with Nat, his suit muffling the gunshots as he shot at moving targets while flying. I wandered around, doing random workouts to pass the time. Nat and I began fighting hand-to-hand, with her winning most of them. By the time we were done, everyone was about ready to collapse with exhaustion. Tony signed off first, heading up to the lab with Bruce. Then Steve and Bucky left to go to a meeting for army vets, and Wanda and Pietro went to the kitchen to help Vision cook. I followed, since Aunt May taught me how to make some awesome cookies, and I was in a baking mood. My attempts resulted in four batches of delicious cookies, and three people covered in flour from head to toe. Vision wasn't because he just went all ghost-y whenever it was about to hit him.

"FRIDAY, when is Pepper going to be home?" I asked nervously.

"Approximately five minutes." Came her answer, just as Steve and Bucky walked in. They paused, taking in the scene.

Steve sighed, facepalming, "We'll take care of this, you three go shower." We nodded gratefully, sprinting to our rooms and showering. I threw the clothes in the trash, since they were already torn from training when Nat tried to stab me. Multiple times. Without care if I dodged or not. So, all in all, it was a pretty normal training day. I dried off my hair quickly, grabbing a random outfit from my closet and putting it on. I ran back to the kitchen, finding Pepper walking out of the elevator. When I saw that the kitchen was clean and the cookies were fine, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Pepper picked up a cookie, staring at it.

"I'm not going to die if I eat these, correct?" She looked up at me.

"Uh, I hope not. They're May's recipe." I explained, grabbing one. They were still warm somehow, and mostly untouched by flour. I took a small bite, immediately shoving the whole cookie in my mouth after I tasted it. I didn't realize how much I missed Aunt May's cooking, how much I missed her. Pepper finished hers quickly, just as Tony walked in.

"I smell cookies!" He grinned, snatching one despite Pepper's attempts to swat his hand away. Thor walked in soon after, taking one himself. Pretty soon, all of them were gone. Then we decided to head to bed early, since we had to go out hero-ing tomorrow. I laid in bed for a solid two hours before I could sleep, tossing and turning in the covers until I finally closed my eyes and slept.

-Timeskip over the next day courtesy of the geometry teacher I'm currently ignoring.-

I woke up on time, for once, and got out of bed easily. I was oddly happy today, although it was cut short when I realized what was today. The field trip. Where everyone would most certainly try their very hardest to embarrass me. And the whole problem with Flash. I groaned inwardly as I walked into the main room, interrupting a meeting of the others. They scrambled to hide the large whiteboards, but I caught glimpses of tower blueprints and plans, as well as the map for the tour we'd be taking. I sighed, grabbing an apple from the bowl and taking a bite. I nearly choked when Thor walked in and hit me on the shoulder.

"Good luck with the field trip!" He boomed, grinning widely. I nodded warily and stepped away, heading outside. I ran into Harley at the elevator, knocking a bunch of peppers out of his hands. I started to help him pick them up, only for him to frantically shoo me away and tell me I was going to be late for school. With a glance at the clock, I realized he was right. I hurried into the elevator, tapping my foot impatiently while it descended. By the time I got to the lobby, someone was waiting for me.

"C'mon, kid. I'm taking you to school." He said, waving me into the fancy car.

"I'm hardly still a kid, Happy." I pointed out.

"I'll call you a kid as long as I want to, your dad already acts like one." He retorted, climbing into the driver's seat. He sped off, making it to my school in half the time it would've taken me to walk. I swallowed nervously, dreading the day ahead.

"Cheer up kid, you'll be fine." Happy smiled at me in the mirror.

I raised an eyebrow, "have you met my family?"

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