15/first night together

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gus and i arrived back at his apartment, unloading my bags from his car. he had a 7th floor apartment with an incredible view of the parking lot. i guess that's la for you. "i feel like this should be more awkward but it's just like...not" gus said. "i know it's totally weird, it's like i've just been waiting for you to fill this hole in my life and now you're just here like it was meant to be" i told him. i was honestly dumbfounded by gus and i. 

"i cleaned out a drawer for you if you have stuff you want to keep out" he said, opening the bottom drawer of his dresser. "aw, you're the best" i told him. "are you hungry or anything?" gus asked. "i'm okay for a little. i had food on the plane" i told him. it was around dinner time so they gave us some mediocre plane food.

gus' roomed seemed very him. everything seemed one of a kind and very eccentric. he had tons of little trinkets and sort of strange furniture in random places over the whole room. gus noticed me looking around, "sorry it's kind of messy. i tried to clean up but i just have a lot of shit" he apologized. "it's fine" i said. "i just like, can't get rid of things. as soon as something has a memory attached to it then it just lives in my room forever" he explained to me. "i like that. it's cute. if it makes you happy why not" i said.

"you make me happy" gus said, taking a few steps closer to where i was standing. he looked down at my lips and back to my eyes. he leaned closer to me, our lips almost brushing together. i made the final effort to press my lips against his. he smiled while he kissed me, letting his hands slide down to my waist. again, it just felt right. there was a small spark inside of me that had been waiting for this moment.

"i've wanted to do that for a while" he pulled away and told me. "me too" i said. "i know it's like, kind of already an unwritten thing but will you be my girlfriend? like for real 100% officially? we don't have to tell anyone or post anything" gus asked. "absolutely i will. we can keep it to us for now, eventually we can tell people. maybe let your little fangirls warm up to me a little more" i suggested.

i'm beyond happy for gus and i think he deserves all of his success and more but with any sort of fame comes followers and he certainly had a certain culty group of girls that absolutely hated my guts for no reason. most of his fans were super sweet or just didn't give a shit, but the few bad apples made it really hard for me. gus tells me they're just jealous but it's hard not to take their mean words to heart sometimes. they could really dig at my insecurities without even realizing it.

"you good?" gus asked. "oh, yeah. fine" i said. i didn't realize i had zoned completely out. "nah, what's wrong?" gus asked again. "was just thinking about making our relationship public. i already get enough hate and i'm sure it would only make it worse. i want to be with you though" i told him.

"aw babe. i told you they're just crazy and jealous. there's a reason i'm here, kissing you, my girlfriend and not them. i want you and they don't matter. don't let them get too far in your head. you're beautiful and perfect and everything good a person could be" gus reassured me. "thank you" i said, loosely wrapping my arms around his shoulders and resting my head onto his shoulder.

i pulled away from him after a few seconds, yawning as i did. "tired?" he asked. "yeah actually. flying takes it out of me i don't know why" i told him. "fair enough. we can just put some tv on and chill or whatever" he said. "yeah let's do that. we can go on a little adventure tomorrow" i told him. he pulled the blanket back on his bed, making room for us to get under it.

he put his arm around me, making room for me to slouch over on him. "any show requests?" he asked. "pick whatever" i told him. i didn't really care, i was tired and gonna fall asleep soon anyways. "the mandalorian?" he asked. "sure" i agreed. he put the show on while i just laid sleepily beside him, paying no attention to whatever was going on.

"we're so perfect already" gus said. "i know" i told him. it was crazy this was the first time we'd ever actually met, it didn't feel like that at all. texting, calling and facetime probably helped a little bit but it's like we never even missed a beat.

i fell more tired by the moment, my responses to gus turning into "mhms" and mumbled. he flicked the tv off, pulling the blanket over me more too. he moved down in the bed so he was laying next to me, draping his arm over me while i was already half asleep. "goodnight" he said. "goodnight" i mumbled into the pillow.

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