16/friends, gus pov

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u wanna hang

isla here

oh shit
can we meet her

yeah can we meet her

yeah can we meet her

let's meet her

ya we wanna meet her

meet her meet her meet her

i see we hav a popular vote
allow me to ask

"babe, you wanna meet my friends today? they won't stop asking" i asked isla, i hoped she would say yes. she was as important to me as they were and i'd love for them to meet. i know she's only been here for a day so i understand if she isn't ready yet, or just wants some more alone time.

"yeah we can do that. i've like sort of talked to tracy before. he seems nice" she told me. i smiled, ecstatic that she'd agreed to meet them. my friend group often changed, new people would float in and out of my life constantly which made it hard. i wanted to be kind and help everyone as much as i could but it hard when there was basically a new stranger at your door everyday. my inner circle right now was mainly people i'd had featured on or produced on crybaby.

she said ya
come over this evening

hell ya

rager at peeps rager at peeps

i'll bring chips

"you want me to add you to the group chat? you can talk a little before you meet them. i don't know if that's better for you but i find it easier to meet people after texting a little" i offered, i wasn't quite sure how she did in groups yet. i used to hate them but i was too high to care most of the time now.  i was too high to notice most things now. isla was the only thing that made me feel like i was actually feeling something other than the drugs lately.

"do i wanna be added to the group chat? i feel like all guy group chats are a scary place to be" she laughed. "you'll be fine" i said, half serious half joking. i guess it could get a little edgy sometimes.

gus added isla to theslap.com

fresh meat in da chat
ask her what u must

i'm scared

can i b the best man


who said we were getting married


i get to be the god father and cool uncle for ur children


i don't want kids

gus she's ruining my life
how else am i supposed to be the cool uncle

gus gets a gf and y'all forget how to act

dylan just poke some holes in jer's condom collection
u can be the uncle

ya no thanks

ur the first one to be a dad i'm calling it

what have i been brought into
this is very strange

get used to it

oh god

it gets worse


"you wanna get ready to go?" i asked isla, who was sitting on my bed giggling at her phone. "this is actually kind of entertaining" she said, scrolling through the group chat. "told ya" i said. "yeah we can get ready though. what should i wear?" she asked. "whatever you want. they're on their way now. nothing fancy" i told her, it wasn't a formal event.

she turned to dig through her suitcase of clothes, deciding on whatever items she pulled out of the bag. "i'm gonna change" she said, walking into my bathroom. i sat on my bed, scrolling through instagram while she got ready. i'd been getting a ton of support since the release of my album, i'd begun to build up my own fan base. the more attention i gained also meant the more hate and mean comments i got, it was mostly just shallow insults against my music or appearance so i tried not to let them get to me. it was the ones calling isla a "downgrade" or saying she was ugly or "not good enough for me" or whatever that bothered me. i still couldn't fathom why strangers think my relationships are their business.

"done" isla said, re appearing in the door way. she was dressed in a way oversized iron maiden shirt that she had tucked into some black denim shorts. it was simple but she could look good in absolutely anything she put on. "you look great" i told her, standing up to join her on the other end of the room. "thank you" she smiled at me, i couldn't help but smile back. her smile was contagious.

i walked a little closer to her, looking down at her for a few seconds to try and invite her to kiss me. she understood, leaning in to place her lips on mine. she always seems so light and happy, her vibe was completely different from what i felt within myself but having her around felt uplifting.

just parked bih

"they should all start showing up any minute now" i told her, pulling away from the kiss. i collected some of my random ash trays and glasses from around my room and kitchen to bring out to the living room area for people to use. i'd never seen isla drunk in person, or high in anyway. myself, my friends, and my girlfriend plus some drinks and blunts could end up being one hell of a time for the first time everyone is meeting.

"you excited to meet them?" i asked her. "yeah, i think it'll be fun" she told me. "i hope you like them, and get along. you and them are like the only things i have left to hold on to" i told her. "i'm sure it'll go just fine" she reassured me. just as she spoke there were some knocks at the door, letting me know someone had arrived.  "well, here we go" i said, standing up to get the door.

pt 2 of meeting his friends in next chapter

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