21/going home

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"i can't believe this is really goodbye" i told gus, packing my final few items into my suitcase. "but i'll see you later. see you soon" gus said. "true but let me have my sad moment" i said. "okay okay. i'm sad too babe, i know you're coming back in a week but i'm gonna miss you so much" gus told me. "i'm gonna miss you too" i said, sighing and struggling to zip my suitcase back up. "here" gus said, stepping on the top of it to squish it down enough i could close the zipper. "thanks" i said.

"well thats everything" i said. "if i just don't drive you to the airport then you just can't go home" gus suggested. "babe you know i want to stay but i have to go home and get some stuff and change stuff and talk to my roommates. if i'm gonna be spending all my time here anyways i might as well move to la instead of paying rent for an empty room" i said. "really? you wanna move here?" gus asked. "yeah. i've been thinking a lot about it" i said. he smiled after hearing my idea to move to la. "well no shit, but i definitely think that's a great idea" gus said.

"well, we better get going for me to catch my flight in time" i said, picking up my bags. "promise you're coming back?" gus asked. "you literally saw me purchase the plane tickets" i laughed. "just making sure" he said. he took one of my bags for me and opened the door for us to get out. "did you like meeting my friends by the way? they thought you were really cool" gus told me. "yeah i had fun. maybe minus layla though? she gives me off vibes" i told him. i didn't wanna seem like the overbearing, psycho girlfriend especially this soon into the relationship but she really needed to take several steps back and stay in her own lane. she was being way to friendly for my liking.

"can you get my keys and unlock the car?" gus asked, while holding all my stuff. i grabbed his keys out of his hoodie pocket and hit the unlock twice, opening the back door for him to set my bags down. "love you" i smiled. "love you too" gus said. we both got into the car and i plugged my phone into the aux for the last time until we saw each other again. "you want coffee?" he asked. "well yes but no we can't. we're already running late. drive fast" i said, rushing him to get a move on.

we spent the better part of the car ride reflecting on our meeting, and our first week hanging out. we both had tons of fun, it was way better than i ever could have imagined. gus was perfect and everyday i realized more and more how right he was for me. i was willing to work with the long distance for now, i was willing to work with pretty much anything for him right now. he made me effortlessly happy. i'd fallen hard for him in such a short amount of time and i'd never experienced a relationship like this before, so i think that's a good thing.

gus got quieter as we got increasingly closer to the airport, seeming like he was zoning out a little and staring out the window. "what's wrong hun?" i asked. "nothing" he said. "why so quiet all of a sudden?" i asked, confused by the quick change in behaviour. "i just can't believe you're really leaving. like i knew it was happening the whole time but the week flew by and now you're leaving and i don't know what to do. i need you. i was falling into a bit of a dark place right before you came and since you've been here i've just been happy and not had to worry about much. i just love you and i'm not ready for you to be gone" he ranted.

"i feel the same. i'm gonna miss you and the next week is going to be super difficult but i'll see you again in a week and i love you. don't let me be your only source of happiness babe. you deserve to flourish and be happy anywhere in any situation" i told him. we were now across the road from the airport, gus turned into its parking lot.

we both took a moment and a deep breath before getting out of the car. we grabbed my stuff and headed to the 'departures' door. gus could only really take me as far as the drop off door as he wasn't flying and had no bags to check so he couldn't go through security or anything. "so this is it" he said. "stop that. it's not it. i'll see you in a week" i said, forcing myself to smile. i felt the tears begin to well up behind my eyes, i tried my best to hold it in but i could feel myself start to break.

i let myself fall into his chest, he wrapped his arms around me. the tears began to fall down my cheeks, leaving stains on his shirt. "don't cry. you're gonna make me cry" gus told me. "sorry" i said, trying to get myself pulled together again. "don't apologize either. sorry. i love you" he told me. "i love you too" i told him. i looked at the time on my watch, "fuck" i muttered. "i have to get going. i'm already behind schedule" i said. i didn't wanna leave, at all.

"okay, text me when you land or on the plane if you can?" gus asked. "of course" i said. "okay, i won't make you any later. bye babe. i love you. fly safe. i love you and i'm gonna miss you" he told me. "bye. i will. i love you too" i said. i hugged him one more time, embracing his touch for the last time until i saw him again. he leaned down to kiss me before i walked off through the airport to reach my flight gate.

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