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i sat down on gus' bed, getting myself comfortable against his headboard. he sat cross legged in front of me, uncomfortably shifting around and trying to sit up straight. "why did you lie?" i asked. "i told you" he said. "it was a shitty fucking answer, i'm giving you a shot to redeem yourself here" i warned him. "okay, i knew you would be mad. i honestly had no idea she was gonna show up that night. i figured i'd be able to keep her away since my girlfriend was there but apparently she still didn't care. i honestly think she would have left me and continued to leave me alone and we'd never have to hear from her or see her again but apparently having you has just like made her more blood hungry. i didn't wanna make something out of nothing when i thought she'd literally never bother us again" he explained into further detail.

"okay. i still don't appreciate dishonesty. i don't care how small or unimportant you think something is, don't fucking lie to me again" i warned. "understood" he said. "i'm sorry" he apologized again. "okay. i'll forgive it eventually. you have some trust to earn back though" i told him. "i'll do anything" he said. "be careful what you wish for gustav" i told him, half joking half serious.

"why's that?" he asked, slowly inching closer to me on the bed. "you're giving me all the power here. i can definitely make you my bitch" i told him. "i'm no ones bitch" he said, pretending to be offended. "if anything you're my bitch. at least i can say that in songs" he said. "wow how romantic of you" i said. "it's for the bar isla. anything for the bar" he told me. "of course how could i forget. respecting your girlfriend? nah. calling her a bitch for validation on soundcloud? yes" i said. "i can't tell if you're actually mad or not" gus said. "i'm playing. i don't care about that" i said, wiping the fake scowl of my face.

"still mad about the layla thing though, like i said, you have a lot of trust to rebuild" i told him again "i know" he said. "i am fucking pissed at you though. don't think you're getting off easy. i'm just being civil now because i have nothing else to say until i see, i've don't see change. i better never see her step foot on this property ever again" i warned him. "you won't" he said. "good" i told him.

"you know what i didn't do to her?" gus asked. "what?" i asked, uncertain of where he was going with this. "this" he said, forcefully pulling my head forward to kiss me roughly. "you didn't kiss her like this?" i asked, pulling away from his grip. "nope" he said. he placed his lips back on mine, moving to trail down my jaw to my neck and chest. "take your clothes off" he told me. "so bossy for what?" i asked. "you wanna be concerned about other washed up bitches so badly i'll show you who's mine. i'll make you fucking mine" he grumbled into my ear.

i felt his teeth scrape against and lightly sink into my skin, leaving marks down my neck. i did as he said, pulling my shirt over my head and less gracefully try and get out of my pants while sitting down while he made a mess of my neck. "good girl" he said. i tried to hide my flustered grin from him but was ultimately unsuccessful. "you like that?" he asked. "mhm" i mumbled. "because you know you're all fucking mine?" he asked. "mhm" i said again.

"you want me?" he asked. "yes" i told him. "good" he said. the bed frame steadily knocked against the wall. gus grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling my head back towards him. "you think i fucked her like this? fuck no. only you sweetheart. you're mine. my only" he said, letting go of my hair.

gus pulled himself off of me, letting his whole body weight thud down beside me in bed. "mm i love you" he said. "love you too" i told him. "we good now?" he asked. "we good" i answered.

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