Chapter 25

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Louis’ Pov

I didn’t know where I was going, I just knew I was going the right way. I could feel her being closer to me. and I was right.

We arrived at this small house. Okay let me take that back. that house is huge. But I knew for sure Ella was in there. I could feel it. I closed my eyes and listened. Trying to hear her. But there was nothing. I sighed.

“is this the place?” niall asked. I turned around and nodded. We all took a deep breath. And I started walking towards it. But only to be pulled back by everyone.

“louis you can’t just walk in” liam whisper/yelled.  I sighed.

“then what do we do?” I asked. I didn’t want to wait! I need to make sure Ella is safe.

“let’s come up with a plan” zayn suggested. I sighed annoyed and impatient.  I want to get Ella, NOW.

We were discussing a plan when I suddenly felt a pain in my neck. Like I was being bitten. It hurt so badly. I grabbed the spot that hurt on my neck with my hands. Everybody turned towards me and looked at me worryingly. Stephanie shot up and pulled my hands away from my neck. “there Is nothing to see  on your neck” she stated. But It hurts so badly. She seemed in thoughts.

Everybody gathered around me. constantly asking if I was alright. WELL NO I AM NOT .

where did this pain come from?

“I think I know what it is!” Steph said suddenly. Everybody looked up at her. And I was still rolling over in pain.

“louis! Ella is your mate!” she exclaimed.

“no shit Sherlock” everybody muttered. She glared at them.

“what’s your point?” I asked still being in pain.

“well… once you meet your mate! It is hard to stay away from her” she started.

“I figured” I muttered remembering how annoying and unfocussed I was and how good it felt when I had her in my arms.

“well, when you are away from your mate for a long time then the mating progress is slowed down” she explained. Wait what? What mating process? I looked at her questioning.

“Stephanie come to the point we don’t have all day!” Derek yelled annoyed.

Stephanie sighed.

“you can feel what she feels” she said under her breath.

My eyes shot open! ELLA IS FEELING THIS? Omg! I got up, ignoring the pain I had and I sped towards the house!

I got pulled back by a pair of arms. I looked behind and saw it was Stephanie. I glared at her!

“I thought you were on my side” I said angry.

“louis! That’s not the point! We all want to safe Ella! But we can’t just barge in” she stated. The pain in my neck got worse again. This is it I need to safe Ella. NOW! I broke out from her grip and sped into the house.

Mira was nowhere in sight so she is the one with Ella right now. I sped towards the place my feelings lead me too. It was a door of steal. I barged in and saw Ella being pinned up against the wall by Mira!

“LET GO OF HER!” I yelled

Mire pulled away from her and dropped her on the ground like it was just a doll. Ella fell limp on the ground and didn’t move.

She was there lifeless. I gasped. I wanted to run towards her but I was being pinned up by Mira! Ow I hate Delkers and there strenge. I tried to get out of her grip but I couldn’t she was much stronger than me.

The others weren’t here yet! But I knew they were coming! But they didn’t know where we were. This house is very big.

And I had the feeling where Ella was because I am apparently her mate. I took another glance at Ella! She was still in the same position. She hadn’t moved a bit. I couldn’t hear her breath. But her heartbeat was slow. I looked back at Mira and glared at her.

“LET ME GO” I yelled. she just laughed. If I didn’t get to Ella on time then I may not be able to safe her! I need to get to Ella. A tear escaped my eyes. I can’t let Ella die! I just can’t.

“ow is pretty boy crying?” Mira teased. This made me angry. I spit in Mira’s face. Her face turned to anger. And she whipped the spit away. she glared at me.

“you shouldn’t have done that” she threatened.

Suddenly I felt something being stabbed into my stomach. I doubled over in pain. And Mira let go of me. I looked down at my stomach. 

A wooden pin was stabbed in it. I don’t understand! That normally doesn’t hurt a vampire. I pulled it out and looked at Mira questioning. I grabbed the wooden pin and stabbed Mira with it.

When blood of a normal vampire or an original get mixed with the blood of a Delker then you die.

This time it was my time to grin. But then the grin on Mira’s face came back. a little glass fell on the ground. there was vervein in it.

My eyes widened. There was vervein on the stick! It would make me weak! I felt myself going weak but then I remembered Ella. I tried to stand up with all my strenge. But I fell back on the ground. and then it was when I heard the boys come in as well.


hey everyone :)

this is a little cliffhanger :)

will they be on time for Ella ! will louis be okay?  

well actually I don’t know myself yet cause I ALWAYS write what comes in to my head at that moment! so I don’t even know how the story will end yet! but don’t worry this is NOT the end yet!

vote and comment for a next update :)

thank you




love you my vamps! :)

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