Chapter 3

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Louis’ Pov

I stepped into my room. My room would be pitch black if it was not for my window which just allowed some strays of moonlight to enter. I gently let the girl’s limp body slip out of my arms onto the matrass of my bed. She laid there so quietly, and somehow I found it likable  to watch her sleep like this. I studied her features accurately . Somehow I could not help but find this human attractive. she was beautiful, but her past had ruined her. I saw what she has been through. Of  course I had noticed the old and fresh tears on her cheeks, the smell of alcohol and blood that added to her presence and the most prominent of all was  the dried blood that stained her clothes, I had to resist the urge of tasting her blood.

Yeah, I know, very romantic and loving on my side. Sarcasm! However it did not bother me. I was not trying to be romantic or nice in any perspective. I do not even know why I had brought her here. I was supposed to kill her. No! I was supposed to leave her alone. Why did I went to see her again anyway? Shit! What had I done! Why is she here. What the hell was I thinking? Of course I had to be the one getting in complicated situations like this.

As quickly as the sound was made I turned my head towards her. I thought she was waking up but her eyes were still closed. She moved around on the bed, turning to her side, showing a big blood stain. Fresh blood!

My throat felt like it was set on fire once again. She had to get out of those blood covered clothes and before I would lose control, of hell knows what I would do to her.

I took in one last breath, hoping it would not affect me so, but it was no use. Trying to ignore the amazing smell of her blood mixed with her own enchanting scent I sped over to my closet.

I pulled out a random  pair of shorts, a shirt and a hoodie for her. I sped back to the bed and laid the clothes on the edge of the bed. I looked at her, she was so beautiful when she slept. I growled at myself for thinking something so stupid.  She was not beautiful, she was just a big bag of blood.

I walked over to her and I positioned her sitting straight with her back against the frame. I took off her shirt and shorts.

The clothes she was wearing were absolutely not qualified for this time of the year. I know her guardian never bought her anything new or anything at all. I had seen a fragment of her past through her eyes. And just the looks of her explain enough of how she was treated. I took another look at the bruises and scars on her entire body. She was completely covered in them, how could someone ever do that to her? And yeah call me a pervert for looking all over her body. Like I care. It’s not like I have not seen other girls before. 

Shaking the thoughts away I put my clothes on her. I laid her under the covers, making sure she would not be cold. I gave her a soft kiss on the forehead and left the room, turning the lights off and closing the door behind me.  Once the door was closed I leaned back against the wall in the hallway and I started laughing out loud.

“What am I doing.” I shook my head in laughter as I pushed myself away from the wall. Why had I not sank my teeth into her neck yet? What was I waiting for. She is just an inch away from me, she cannot run, she cannot hide, what did I have to lose? I want to know how she tastes.

We could always just have a li- No! I cannot do that to her!

Wait, why not?

Why am I protecting her? I want to feed on her. I want to suck her dry, Until I took all the delicious blood from her beautiful body.

That is it. I need her. I need to taste her blood in my mouth. She is just an inornate human. What made her different from the other people I’ve killed before? I knew all the boys were out tonight, hunting I suppose. They will not be back till tomorrow. So she was all mine, no sharing the human. Wow I must be turning bipolar.

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