Chapter 36

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Hey  guys! I think you guys have suffered enough! Sorry I didn’t update, I was sick, I was blacking out the whole time I had a cold as well and I had school! But didn’t even went to school the whole time cause I was too sick. :(


I’m really sorry!





Niall’s Pov

We all ran over to louis and tried to help him up but he pushed us angry away.

“let go of me!” he snapped angry. We all did and he got up himself.  He didn’t looked very pleased. Well I actually wasn’t really pleased either.

“Where is she?” louis growled.

Harry’s Pov

“where is she?” louis growled.

“Where is who?”  Niall asked.

“Ella you dumbass” Louis snapped.

“I don’t know” I admitted. His head looked in my direction. Louis’ eyes were dark red and his fangs stood out.

“louis, calm down” liam said, trying to calm down louis.

“NO! I’M NOT GOING TO CALM DOWN!” he yelled angry. He sped towards me and pinned me up against the tree.

“dude put him down” zayn scolded. Louis just growled.

“track. Her! We’re outside! nobody is around! You could track her now!” he said, his voice vibrating with anger. He let go of me and I fell to the ground. I got back up and glared at louis.

“what is your plan with her anyway?” zayn asked. louis looked at him and smiled.

“now we’re all going to die anyway! We can better enjoy our last days.” He grinned.  Ok that doesn’t sound too well. What is he up to?

“track her styles!” louis growled again. I nodded and I closed my eyes. Concentrating on anything related to Ella.

“can’t he hurry up?” I heard Louis ask inpatient.  I sighed annoyed.

“can you please shut the hell up?” I snapped. And everything was silence around me so I closed my eyes again and concentrated on Ella.

 It was easy to track her now, we were outside and there weren’t any either humans around. I took a deep breath before I finally got her scent. My eyes shot open.

“found her!”

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