Chapter 52

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**Recap Harry’s Pov**

Where the hell was I?

Who were these people?

I know they’re originals, but why am I here?

What had happened? Where are the others?

Harry’s Pov

“Let me go!” I growled at the three vampires in front of me. What the hell did they want from me? I’ve never seen them in my life before. Were they working for Emily? Why would Emily send people out to kill her own mate?

One of them started laughing, making me growl in anger. This wasn’t a situation to laugh.

“what would be the fun in that?” he laughed as he kept spinning the knife around in circles with his fingers.

“well if you would let me go then I would kill you all.” I stated. Even though I knew I didn’t had any chance against these originals. They would kill me before I could even say; blood. But it was good to sound brave right?

They all started laughing which made me frown and growl once again in anger.

“yeah you are right, it would be totally be hilarious to see you try to pull that off.” The tallest one laughed.

I growled in anger, and started trying to get out of my cuffs but I knew they were smart enough to make them strong enough for a vampire not to break lose.

Curse those things.

“what do you want from me?” I snapped. They all stopped laughing and turned serious on me. The one with the knife stepped towards me and kneeled down to my height since I was sitting down, hand cuffed to the wall.

“we need Emily.” He spat. I raised an eyebrow.

“then what am I having to do with this?!” I snapped and I spat onto his face like I had done earlier as well. He growled and stabbed the knife into my chest, almost reaching my heart. But it didn’t, I knew they weren’t going to kill me, just yet. They needed me for something.

I hissed in pain as he pressed the knife deeper into my chest. I screamed out in agony, not being able to push him away from me since I was stuck against the wall.

“don’t try that again kid.” He snapped as he finally pulled away, but leaving the knife into my chest. I kept screaming in pain.

“Aliester! Stop it! You are killing him.” The other vampire hissed at the one who stabbed me.

“so?” the vampire named Aliester snapped at him.

“Bryce is right, we need him alive.” The girl stated in a demanding voice. Aliester growled and came closer to me again and ripped the knife out of my chest and that’s when I started gasping for air.

I know you probably think that vampires don’t need to breath, but they do, just not very often, we can go like half an hour without breathing once. But when you’re in a lot of pain you do need to breath more and with the knife stabbed into my chest and lungs I wasn’t able to.

“keeping me here won’t lead you to Emily.” I snapped once I had healed a little bit again. All three their heads snapped towards me and they glared.

“what’s that supposed to mean.” Bryce snapped. Aliester got up and marched towards me, I could see the hate in his eyes once again. Wow, this dude got a really short temper.

“Aliester not again.” The girl snapped, pushing over her chair as she stood up, ready to stop Aliester.

“Sierra shut up.” Aliester snapped at her.

“no! you are not the boss of us.” She snapped back at him before slapping him across the face. Of course with vampire strength.

“yes I am!” Aliester growled and he grabbed Sierra by the neck and pressed her up against the wall that was the nearest to him.

“we never agreed to this!” Sierra hissed as she tried to struggle out of Aliester’s grasp.

“that didn’t have to! I am clearly the strongest one here.” Aliester snapped at her and Sierra whimpered when he tightened his grasp around her neck. Bryce didn’t move from his spot, clearly scared from Aliester as well.

I didn’t saw the point in helping her either though, they were all keeping me hostage so yeah, I’m not helping them. Plus I wasn’t really in the right state either, I mean, remember I’m cuffed to the wall? Yeah you get my point.

“Aliester, Sierra is just as strong as you!” Bryce finally butted in. Aliester raised his eyebrow at Bryce’s statement and he laughed dryly.

“no she isn’t, neither are you. Can’t you see she is so much weaker than me?” Aliester laughed again while Sierra whimpered.

“no Aliester, she isn’t, she has the same strength as you.” Bryce stated, but still didn’t dare to approach them. Aliester started boiling in anger.

“sure she does.” Aliester laughed.

“it’s true, if two vampires are mates then they both share their strength once they meet.” Bryce snapped. Clearly trying to help Sierra.

“Bryce! Stop talking! You will be the next one I’ll kill after Sierra.” He threatened.

“you are going to kill your own mate?!” Sierra exclaimed in fear. And I saw Aliester smirking down at her.

“I don’t see a reason why I shouldn’t.” he grinned at her.

“Sierra! You have to think about Aliester and think about his strength, you’ll be able to use it as well.” Bryce explained to Sierra. Aliester was now fuming.

“Shut the fuck up Bryce! You’re on my side!” Aliester snapped. Dropping Sierra to the floor and suddenly all three were fighting each other.

Well this is interesting. They’re keeping me hostage and now they’re rolling over the floor fighting each other.

But wait!

If Bryce is right about the strength thing…

That means that I could call up Emily’s strength…

…and get out of here!


hey guys :D so I updated :D i know it's short but the next update is right behind it :D




thank you all for reading :)

love ya all my Vamps :D


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