Shy Away

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Jaskier's POV:

It's been a week since I woke up and today I get to go back home. I'm excited to see Ciri again and be out of this boring room. Geralt left to do the paperwork to sign me out of the hospital officially so I'm just waiting on him to come back. I had already changed into the outfit he brought for me which was just a blue sweater and some jeans and my headphones that I forgot I had. I was scrolling through Instagram, looking at the numerous art pages I follow and leaving comments on a lot of them. Today could technically be considered a good day so I'm gonna try not to let anything ruin that.

"You ready to go Jas?" Geralt asked, popping back into the room. I looked up from my phone and nodded, hopping off of the hospital bed and slightly stumbling my way over to him. I had to re-learn how to walk because I'd been in the bed for so long but the doctors said I recovered faster than most patients who woke up from a coma like that. Still, I was having some troubles walking completely correctly. I grabbed Geralt's hand and let him lead me out to the car where Ciri was waiting in the back seat. I hopped into the front passenger seat while Geralt got into the driver's seat and we went home. The ride was mostly silent save for Ciri telling me all about her job and how horrible some of the customers are. I agreed with her that some customers could be really difficult. When we pulled up to the house Ciri was the first to jump out and run to open the door. Geralt helped me get out of the car and we went inside with Ciri, heading straight for the living room. Everything looked the same as the day I... I brushed the thought away, today was supposed to be a good day. I saw that Ciri had dragged the old Karaoke Machine out from the first night I stayed here. It was hard to believe that I'd stayed with these two for as long as I have. I remember when I thought I'd only stay a week.

The karaoke machine was already completely set up and Ciri was already front and center, choosing a song to sing. I already had an idea of what I wanted to sing so I patiently waited my turn. Ciri chose Good Day by Twenty One Pilots, one of their newer songs. Their new music was definitely more cheery sounding but the lyrics still had that relatable dark twist. Good day sounded happy even though Tyler was talking about losing his family and being sued by a friend. It was like the denial stage of grief, like nothing was wrong it was all fine. Tyler is just denying all the bad things, trying to find the bright side and call it a good day. It's a good song, nonetheless. 

When Ciri was done singing I went up and searched for the song I had been thinking about since we got home. I found it with ease and tapped the song, preparing to sing about what anxiety feels like. The song Choker was definitely on the list of relatable songs because Tyler basically describes social anxiety. 'I know it's over/I was born a choker/nobody's coming for me' Tyler talks about being born with the disorder and not being able to control his thoughts. It's over because he finds it hard to talk to people since he feels nobody will listen anyways. Nobody's going to come find the anxious person, that's how a lot of people with anxiety feel. They feel nobody is going to try and find the person who gets choked up trying to talk to others, someone would rather talk to somebody who doesn't trip over their words. All of Tyler's music is honestly relatable when you really look into the lyrics. It's a trait I admire of him.

Once my turn was over Ciri went back up, Geralt claiming he didn't feel like singing like before. We just kept singing for most of the day since we didn't really have any plans. I didn't have to go back to work until next week and Ciri was on vacation to spend time with me, knowing she wouldn't have much time with her job. Once we were tired of singing we decided to do a movie marathon, this time it was Marvel movies. We were watching them in chronological order which would be fun. Before we started the movie marathon we made dinner which was mashed potatoes and pork chops. We sat in front of the tv with our plates and started with Captain America: The First Avenger. 


We had gotten up to Thor when we decided we could finish the movie marathon tomorrow. We were all tired and could barely pay attention to another 2 hour long movie so we turned the tv off and got up to go to our own rooms. Ciri had already disappeared to her room so Geralt and I were making sure the living room was all cleaned up.

"Hey Jas?" he asked softly. I looked over at him with a questioning hum. He wasn't looking at me but he seemed a little nervous. "Would you like to sleep in my room tonight?" I nearly dropped the plates I was carrying to the kitchen in surprise. Geralt wanted me to sleep in his room with him?? My gay heart couldn't take it.

"U-Um yeah, s-sure!" I said, quickly going to the kitchen to put the plates in the sink so he wouldn't see my blush. I had been dreaming about staying in his room with him for months on end. I mean, shit, the first time he tried talking to me I was fantasizing about wearing his shirts! I took a deep breath before turning around and getting spooked by Geralt being right behind me. I saw a glimpse of a smirk before he grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs with him. I could feel my heart practically beating out of my chest. I had been holding his hand all day with no reaction but now I suddenly do? I don't make any sense at all! 

Once we got up to his room he let go of my hand and opened the door, letting me go in first. I made a beeline for the big, lavish bed he owned. I knew he probably had the coziest blankets on there if the guest bedroom had been anything to go by. I was under the covers in no time while Geralt went to the bathroom to do his nightly routine. I curled up under the soft blankets and was nearly asleep when Geralt finally joined me. I couldn't help it, his bed was so comfortable. I felt him pull me into his chest and run his fingers through my hair. The last thing I felt and heard before I fell asleep was a kiss to the top of my head and Geralt's soft voice saying "I love you, songbird."

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