Chapter 6

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Rose sighed, "No, Oppa, I'm not."

"Good because I missed my cuddle buddy."

She just smiled at him; she could handle being cuddle buddies with Tae. But it can't ever go past that. She can't let either of them catch feelings. She looped her arm through his and pulled him out to the car—another day of her faking happiness here in this damn country. 

Please don't get it wrong; she's had moments when she was happy to be there. But for the most part, she just wanted to go home. Maybe it'll get better when her Mom comes back. Tae didn't like her staying at other people's houses, so she figured she'd do school and maybe get some Korean lessons in.

Rose walked over to Yoongi's house, and it was as if his Mom had expected her. She opened the door with a huge smile and told her to go on up. Yoongi was lying back on his bed, playing with his phone. When she opened the door, he actually looked surprised to see her.

She held up the book bag and asked if he'd help her some before dinner with her brothers. He patted the bed beside him, and she sat down to get to work. An hour later, they were done with school. Huh, she's not as dumb as she thought. 

She was high-fiving herself for picking up the material. Rose managed to finish her work before dinner was done. She even had a little time for him to teach her more words. Living over here was making it a bit easier for her. But she seemed to be picking it up reasonably well. Rose looked at the clock and told him she had to get home. She kissed him on the cheek and thanked him for his help.

The four sat around the table eating; the guys talked up a storm, and Rose sat there.

"Okay, I can't take it anymore. What the hell is going on with you? You barely talk to us; you've been running off and hiding every chance you get. What's going on Rosie?"

She looked up from the plate at Joon, "Why does it matter? It's not like you care if I'm happy."

They all sucked in a breath. "Is that what you think?" Tae asked, bewildered.

She glared at them, "You don't want me to make any friends. If a guy so much as talks to me, you scare them away. So, I hang out with the only approved people on your list. But that doesn't make you happy either. I don't understand you three. If you want me so bad, then fuck me. If not, leave me alone."

Jin whispered in a small voice, "I want you to be happy. I want us to be a family. Your Mom is making our Dad really happy. We want you to make friends. It's just; it's."

"It's just what?" She asked.

He let out a long breath, "We chased Hyeon away because he was bragging to everyone about how easy it would be to get you in bed. Apparently, when you grabbed his arm, he thought you'd be an easy lay. That's why we chased him away."

Rose was in shock, "you are kidding, right?"

All three shook their heads no, "I'm going to kill that dude. Am I a virgin? No, but does that freaking matter? What does grabbing someone's arm have to do with anything? I mean I jacked off Yoongi yesterday and I managed to sleep in between him and Hobi without having sex with either of them."

Joon spits out his drink, "You did what to Yoongi?"

She turned bright red. "Uh, yeah. Uh, what? Never mind. Thanks for being awesome big brothers. If it weren't for the fact that our parents are married, I'd happily date any of you. But since they are, can we be actual siblings? My Mom is happy, but I can't hurt her by crossing the line with one of you."

All three looked at her, "does that mean I can't cuddle with you anymore?"

Rose turned her head to Tae. "You are always welcome to cuddle, but no hanky-panky, okay?"

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