Chapter 9

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Holy shit, he did not just ask that. A whole body shiver ran through her, "yes, please."

He dropped his forehead to hers, "As much as I want to do that, we don't have time, and frankly, I don't want them to hear you screaming my name. Come on, let's go downstairs."

Yeah, she's going to die if they ever have sex. This man makes her wet just with his words.

"Come on, get dressed, then see what Tae wants." Rose took his hand, and they walked back into the room. She changed into comfy clothes, and Jimin put his uniform back on.
"You should leave some extra clothes in here; lord knows I strip you enough."

He laughed a bit, "I can do that. Let me grab my bag from the guest room. I'll be right back." He ran off to get his stuff; he was barely gone a minute. He dropped his bag on the bed and then changed out of his uniform.

Rose walked over and grabbed his stuff; she hung his clothes up in the closet and then put his undergarments and pajamas in a drawer she had for him.

When she turned around, he was smiling, "what?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "Nothing; it's just that I finally got you as a girlfriend, and I get to see my things with yours."

She walked over to him and looped her arms around him, "you are adorable. Come on, I'm sure Tae is waiting on us."

When they got downstairs, Dae was there, and Jin looked at her like the Goddess she was. When she was telling Yoongi about the date with Hyeon, Jin looked like he was ready to commit murder.

Rose squeezed Jimin's hand and walked over to her oldest brother. "Can I talk to you for a second?" He nodded his head and followed her to the living room. She stood there with her arms crossed. He asked her what was in Korean, and she just glared at him until he sighed and dropped his head. "Dude, I get it; you like her. But I need her to help me with that twat waffle, so can you reel in your jealousy?"

He took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. "I can't, I like her, Rosie. Like she could be the one."

Nothing would make her happier than to have her as her actual sister. Rose patted him on the shoulder, "I'm happy for you. Let us get through this with him, and we can double date."

"Did Jimin finally man up and ask you out?"

"Does everyone freaking know about us?" She scoffed.

It was his turn to pat her, "he's had heart eyes for you ever since he met you, and you stopped making out with everyone. We put two and two together."

"I like him, like more than I ever liked Eric."

"He's a good guy; he'll treat you right, or the six of us will murder him."

Seokjin makes her laugh, "Good to know. Now let's get back in there, okay?"

They walked into the kitchen, and Yoongi said, "You ready to do your homework?"

Rose told him, yes, and Jimin started grumbling. She turned around and whispered, "Be a good boy, and I'll reward you later."

He pouted but nodded his head, "Awe, come on, Hyung. You can help me with my homework." Jungkook was teasing him, and she was here for that.

When she reached Yoongi's room, she exclaimed, "he finally asked me out."

"He did? What did you say?"

"Duh, I said yes!"

He smiled at her, "I'm happy for you."

Rose walked over to him, "You don't look happy. Yoongi, are you okay?"

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