Chapter 15

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The texts started coming in immediately.

'OMG, we're on our way.' Jin and Dae

'Jk, please tell me my wife and child are okay?' Jimin

'We'll be there in 10.' Yoongi and Sissy

'Do you need anything?' Hobi

'OMW.' Tae

'I'm right around the corner.' Joon

Jimin wondered why Jungkook was calling him in the middle of class. He should have been on his way home with Rosie by now. He clicked ignore and forgot about it, but 10 minutes later, the group chat went off. When he read his message, his heart dropped. 'Rosie fell, she's bleeding. I'm at the hospital with her right now. I don't know anything else.'

He stood up and took off. He didn't even say anything to the Professor; he just ran. Jimin rushed into the hospital and was the last one there. He skidded to the desk, "I'm looking for my wife, Rosie Park. She's pregnant, and she fell. My little brother brought her in."

The nurse at the desk started typing, "She's in the maternity ward, 3rd floor, room 324."

Jimin yelled thanks before he took off running up the stairs; he was too impatient to wait for the elevator. He got to her room, and the Doctor was there when he opened the door. "Look, you all can't be related to her."

Jin stood up, "She's my little sister. Those two are our brothers. That little one over there is her brother-in-law. This is my wife, so her sister-in-law. That girl over there next to her two cousins is her sister. So yes, we are all related to her."

The Doctor looked like he wanted to strangle Jin, "then who is the father."

"That would be me; she's my wife."

He whipped around and looked at him, "I need to talk to you about your wife's condition, but they won't leave. Are they all related to her?"

Jimin just had to smile: "Yeah, we're one big family. Please tell me what's going on with her."

The Doctor sighed, "From what your brother told me, your wife fell, and everything was fine, but after a few hours, she started bleeding. That's when he brought her here. We gave her an ultrasound, and it seems like she has Placental abruption."

Then Dae gasped; he looked at her with wide eyes, "What is that? What does that mean?"

"Well, if we can control the bleeding, everything will be fine. That's what we need to hope for; she's not far enough along that we can safely deliver the baby."

Jimin's face was in a panic, "what happens if we don't get the bleeding to stop?"

"Then your baby might not survive; I'm sorry, Mr. Park. I suggest everyone, but you leave; she needs all the rest she can get." The doctor turned to leave, but Jimin just fell on her bed.

He bent over, crying, "Hyung, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I took her on a date, and this guy was harassing her. He pulled her, and it made her fall. I tried to catch her, but I couldn't. I'm so, so sorry." Jimin looked down at his little brother, who was crying so hard that he had his head in Jimin's lap.

"Jungkook, it wasn't your fault. She texted me about how excited she was to go out with you. She told me you were taking her for Mexican food, ice cream, and a movie. Kook, she was so happy. She had been bored all day, and you took her out to do her favorite things."

Jungkook hiccuped and then looked up at him with his big doe eyes. "Are you sure, Hyung? But the baby."

He reached down and started petting his hair, "the baby will be fine, I promise."

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