Chapter 16

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Rose was ready to leave the hospital, so the doctor should have released her any minute now. 

"Mrs. Park, you are free to go home now. But remember, only 1 hour a day are you allowed on your feet and no sexual activity."

She groaned loudly, "Yeah, I get it; you've told me multiple times."

She wasn't sure how they pulled it off, but someone was always home with her. They all agreed not to tell their parents what had happened. They didn't want them to worry, plus they'd never leave her alone if they knew. Rose was worried about Thanksgiving; how would she pull that off? But because they don't celebrate it there, her parents had a business trip to Japan. It was like a weight was lifted off her shoulders.

She knew they could keep it a secret until at least Christmas. Jin always made sure that she had yummy food to eat. Joon bought her every movie she could ever want, and Tae brought home little treats for her every day—fluffy socks, lotions that smelled amazing, and even little puzzle books. 

Honestly, it was nice having everyone there. Dae had officially moved out of her dorm room and into Jin's room. Sissy took over Rose's old room, and Yoongi might as well have moved in because his stuff was there, and he spent every night in her bed. Where Yoongi goes, Hobi goes. He moved into the empty room next to Tae, but if she's being 100% honest, she was pretty sure he spent his evenings with Sissy and Yoongi. 

No judgment; Rose just wanted everyone to be happy. Kook took the empty room next to Jin's, but more than once, she woke up to him sleeping on the couch in their room. He usually comes in after they've fallen asleep, and he's even helped her go to the bathroom in the middle of the night so she doesn't have to wake Jimin up. Lord knows she gets up multiple times each night. 

Rose was lying in bed with Jimin. She was reading a book in Hangul and trying to learn. It was a children's book, but Yoongi got it for her to help. While she could speak and understand it, she was struggling to read and write it. She was leaning back against his chest, and he was ranting, but even though he was basically in the middle of pitching a fit, he still listened to her and would correct her if she was wrong.

"It's like, what am I even good for? I can't be a husband because I refuse to endanger our baby, so I thought, why not make sure you have anything you could ever want so your days aren't boring? Babe, it's more like a cross between a B and an M sound. I can't cook to save my life, so I'm thankful Jin took that up. But then Joon goes and buys every American movie ever made. Fine, I'll get you some books, but no, then Yoongi went and took care of that. Good job, babe, you nailed that one. So I think I'll buy you some cute little things to improve your day, but Tae has already done that. I can't even buy you snacks because Hobi and JK do that. Our family has made me obsolete."

Rose closed the book quietly; she knew he wasn't mad. He was just frustrated; he wanted to do something but didn't know what he could do because everyone was doing their job a little too well. She turned around and wrapped her arms around his waist as she looked up at him, and his monologue stopped. He looked down at her and pouted a bit. 

"Angel," she said, and it made him smile. He mumbled that that should be her nickname. "Babe, you sing me to sleep every single night. You get up with me multiple times during the night to help me to the bathroom. You bathe me, clean my hair, and brush my teeth daily. You get me dressed every morning before you go to school and then carry me to the couch so I'm not stuck here all day. You do things for me that no one can."

"It's just not enough; after this semester, I'm going to take some time off of school to be home with you."

Rose palmed his face, "I won't stop you if that's what you want, but you don't have to. I promise I'm fine. Plus, if you want all these kids, one of us has to have a job." She was teasing him; honestly, neither of them ever had to work; their families were wealthy enough that they didn't need to. 

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