Chapter 20

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That night was hard. She was lying in bed sniffling when Jungkook crawled in and wrapped his arms around her. "It's just two nights; he'll be back before you know it."

"I know it's silly; I love him, Kookie."

She squeezed him tighter, "I know you do; why don't you call him?"

"I just got off the phone with him; he needs some sleep because he meets the President in the morning."

Rose felt him a nod. "Well, try and get some sleep. Tomorrow, we get to see if you are marrying me."

That got her laughing and made her feel a lot better; she kissed him softly before snuggling into him and falling asleep. The following day, she bounced around everywhere, excited about the appointment. He said that he'd love to watch Ara for them. Jungkook was grumbling about it, but she knew that Tae would do a good job, and if he needed help, there were four other adults home.

The four of them loaded into Jin's car and headed to the doctor. Rose told Dae to go first. She assumed that since this was Dae's first pregnancy, they'd have many questions. An hour later, they came out and showed them the ultrasound pictures. Dae was eight weeks pregnant, and everything looked good. The doctor called them back, and Kook wrapped his arm around her. 

"Good to see you two again, where's Jimin?"

Rose frowned, "he's on a school trip and mad that he can't be here."

"Well, let's get some pictures and maybe some video for him to see when he gets back." The Doctor had her lift her shirt and push down her pants; then she squirted the gel onto her stomach. It sounded different than last time: "It looks like we have more than one baby in there."

She looked at Jungkook and made the angriest face she could: "Call your brother right now and tell him that I will have divorce papers drawn up by the time he gets home." Jungkook started laughing, "Now, Kookie."

Jungkook nodded, pulled out his phone, and called his brother. "Apparently, she'll have the divorce papers ready when you get home."

Rose heard Jimin cheering on the other end of the line, "Twins, it's twins?"

"I am going to kill you, PARK JIMIN," Rose yelled.

"I'm having twins; I can't believe it." He was so happy, and she was too, but holy shit, this is for sure their last. She was sure if he had it his way, the next set would be triplets.

The doctor got pictures and a video for Jimin. Rose was still contemplating whether she should show it to him. Right now, she was leaning towards not. When they got out to the lobby, Jungkook was grinning, and she was pouting. They knew immediately, "Ah, so twins it is."

She sighed heavily, "Yes, and I'm going to kill him and divorce him. Kookie is going to be my new husband." Rose crossed her arms and glared at everyone.

Jungkook wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Come on, let's get home so you can start the paperwork." She nodded her head.

When they got home, she spent some time with Ara while she drafted the document in her head; Rose was going to tease Jimin. She was drawing up a contract that made him promise that if they ever got pregnant again, there would be no talk of twins or triplets; it would be one baby only. And that if she wanted ten orgasms a day, he would gladly provide them. Once she started showing, he'd have to hold her belly for at least one hour daily. She'll add more, but it was a good start for now. 

It changed her mood for the better. She wasn't mad about having twins; she was angry that he so quickly got his way. Like no one can be that freaking lucky. When Jimin came home the next day, Ara, Jungkook, and Rose were passed out on the bed, all curled up. 

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