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(Y/N's POV):

"A samurai" I repeat.

Akali nods her head. "Yea I got attacked by a samurai just because he thought I was a friend of Shuten Doji".

I put my hand up to stop her. "You mean the one in the fairytales"?


"Wait , so you were apart of his army"? I asked.

Akali raised an eyebrow in disbelief "Hell no , that a stupid question you asked".

"Sorry , I thought that you were with him".

Akali smiles a bit showing her fangs before asking one question.

"If I was apart of Shuten Doij's little posse then why are you still alive"? She gently lifts my chin up with one of her sharp claws.

"Well you have a point". I agreed with her.

"You damn right I have a point , that dude was bloodthirsty and you know it". She growled.

"Ok ok , don't get aggressive".

"S-sorry I didn't mean to , it's just that the samurai just attacked me for no reason".

"Your talking about the one named Reiko , the one that was sent down by the Emperor".

"Yep , the bastard cut my horns clean off trying to cut my head , so in return he was missing an arm".


"And a leg".


"And a eye".

I started to get a little nervous.

"You sound awfully proud about this Akali".

"What you think I'm a serial killer or something wicked or evil don't you"? Akali starts growling.

I put my hands up in defense "N-no I didn't mean it like that I swear".

Her growling died down.

"You are just a ball of fire sometimes".

She smirked "I know I am".

"You cocky little shit". I plant a small kiss on the top of her head.

Her tail started wagging happily.

●~●~●~●~●[Time Skip]~●~●~●~●~●

(This is borderline inappropriate why did I do this)

"Why are you making me watch this (Y/N)"? Akali asked.

"Tiny recommend it to me"

Akali watches on "This is crazy".

           [*KNOCK*  *KNOCK*]

Right after the knocking the kitsune barged in.

"Akali he's back". Ahri whined.

Akali grumbled. "That little fucker want round 10".

She gets up and grabs a golden sickle from the side of her wall and marched downstairs in a hurry.


(Akali's POV)

I rushed down the stairs pissed.

Not even half way down I can see red horns from the door window.

I swung up the door and closed it.

In front of me was another Oni , red in coloration . It was bigger than me and had a kanabo.

"What do you want this time Kidōmaru".

"You know what I want".

"And my answer is still no , I don't want my head locked underground in a chest".

He starts snarling and I growled right back at him.

(???): Akali

Me and Kidōmaru lost our attention to one another and focused at the front door.

"(Y/N) leave".

Kidōmaru starts laughing "Who is this pipsqueak".

"None of your damn business , how about you go home and drink the rest of your sake".

"She a human , and you're letting her live". He snorts.

Kidōmaru's laughter calms down and his red tail yanked (Y/N) by the foot

"She's a cute one to".

This caught me and (Y/N) off guard.

"That my mate you drunkard". I growled.

"I don't see you're mark on her ". He snickered

I smacked my hand over my face and dragged it down slowly.

("All this time and I could have marked her as mine but I wasted it")

"Drunk bastard" I threw a kunai at him. It missed him by a hair

"Holy fuck" This disorient him for a second.

I took the to get behind him and bite the shit out of his tail.

"YOU GLOWSTICK BITCH"!!! He yelled in pain.

Kidōmaru grip around (Y/N) released and she lands on her feet.

His clawed hand grabbed onto my jacket and threw me into the side of the penthouse.

"Kakatte koi nōtarin".


(Y/N's POV)

Right after I fell on the ground two tails wrapped around my waist and yanked me back inside.

"What where you think (Y/N) , you could have gotten yourself killed". I was getting scolded by Kai'Sa.

"My bad".

"Who was that"? I asked.

"The son of Shuten Doij".

(Sorry that this one was taken forever to publish I had to do alot of research on this shit).

(And if you still don't know what I'm talking about)

(That should help)

(Author-chan out ~✌)

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